


7 years, 3 months ago


Keplin is an adventurer... really. Okay, so he hasn't quite found the right adventure to go on, or companions to join him, but he's got the guts, the spirit, and a pretty good map. He has known he was meant for adventure since he was just a youngin. When all the other kids were reading their books and practicing their languages, he was fighting back hordes of enemies (weeds, in the gardens...) and saving fair maidens from toothsome beasts. (It was his mom. She was fine, really. It was just a stray cat.) Now he's an adult and he is ready to take on the world. Any day now...

So Keplin, (rudely called Kelp by the rest of his peers) grew up in a relatively small town of humans, elves, and half-elves. His mom, one of the most lovely elven woman in the town, met a half-orc man who was traveling through with his hunting party. They fell in love and he decided to settle down with her in her little town. They definitely got a lot of judgement and weird looks at first, but Keplin's dad is one of the most kindhearted men you could imagine, and it didn't take him long to win over the people of the town. Eventually, Keplin was born- a little sprout with silky blonde hair, perfect pointed ears, slender elven features, and... very green skin. (Which, by the way, is my favorite color) As he grew, he also developed little tusks. The other kids teased him for his teeth, but he thought they were super cool because "they're like my dad's!"

Luckily, for all the teasing he endured because of his green skin and "weird little teeth" Keplin was (and is) endlessly forgiving and optimistic. He doesn't care if people tease him for his skin- it matches his dads, and his dad is cool. He doesn't care if people make fun of him for his patchwork clothes- his mom made them, and she's the best. Eventually, much like his father winning over the town, the other kids realized that he just couldn't be bothered by their teasing, and they ended up finding out that Keplin was pretty cool (for a weirdo)

And that brings us back to where Keplin is now in life- finally an adult, ready for life, and waiting for an adventure to come sweep him away.

Bonus tidbit- the sword he carries is something his parents bought him from a traveling caravan when he was a kid. His mom made him "armor" to match it. It's not a very sharp sword, but it looks super cool.