


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Grix
Gender: Male
Can shift - Anything organic
This boy is an alien from another world that crash landed on our planet. When he first emerged from his ship there was a creature lurking in the shadows curious about the noise. Grix coaxed the animal out of the shadows to reveal a rather scruffy wolf. Knowing his current form might bring about unwanted attention he decided it was best to take the form of a beast of this planet for the time being. He has the ability to take the form of anything he touches with some limitations of course. The wolf neared to him and was overcome with soothing vibes and seemed to become utterly tame. Walked all the way up to Grix with out any fear or worry. Stroking the wolf he started to in so many words absorb some of its DNA. After a few moments he sent the animal on its way. Once out of the field of affect the wolf broke the trance but was not bothered by it. Will stay with the wolf as a gentle memory. The process of changing forms can be time consuming depending on the creature Grix has chosen. This time was rather quick however and this form was rather cozy in his opinion. Only thing that doesn't change are his colors and patterns. He prefers it this way. A long time has pasted and he's taken a liking to this planet. So he chose to stay and live on this planet among its many creatures. His ship is completely fixed be he just uses it for storage and has since moved it from the crash site. It now rests in a cave that Grix thought to be a suitable hideout. (more to come)
Has a bit of a temper
Excellent trickster