


7 years, 7 months ago


He's 32 now, full of rude man energy.

Name: Hiekka Leija

Nickname: Sand Kite


Gender: Male

Owner: @empiredog

Race/Species: Human

Origin: Chronoscape

Affiliation: N/A

Gift Art Rules: A-OK just @me!

Specialties:  Storm and Dark



Bond: N/A

Rank: Dragon Rider

Class: None

Magic: Untrained

Jobs: N/A

Health: Full

Status: Healthy

Equipment: N/A

Moves: N/A


Personality:  Unstable | Poor Listener | Impatient | talkative | Survivor |  Superstitious | Anti-Social | Sarcastic | Competitive | Confident |  Fierce

Hiekka  was born to a poor family living on the edge of the deserts. When he  was young he was taught by his father to perform household chores and  care for animals, but when he turned 12 he decided that life was too  monotonous and ran away looking for something better, a tell to his  selfish and naive desires. He was found a few days later by a group of  men working as highwaymen and taken it at first as a sort of  servant-slave, despite his pleading and acknowledgement of his mistakes.  He worked as such until he turned 16, and the men decided to give the  young man a chance at something better, he accepted, wanting out of his  predicament, and sure their word was truthful. He aided them in  capturing a traveling caravan. Doing well in his first chance, he was  given more and more until he eventually became a member of their group  officially. When he turned 18 he had a quarrel with the leader, stemming  from a simple drunken game of gambling bones, and ended up accidentally  killing the man. The rest of the group wished to slay him in  retribution, but he fled into the deserts, saving his own hide. From  then on he worked small jobs with similar-minded individuals, or even  solo, raiding, killing, pilfering and taking what he wanted when he  wanted. He found the life to be rather comfortable and had put his  misdeeds behind him as an act of fate, instead of his own fault and  wrongdoing. While staking out a caravan to raid, he was caught in a  sandstorm and ended up in a strange cursed city by unknown means. As if a  dream he went through a door, waking up in the Chronoscape. Something  new awaits him.

Den Theme: N/A

Den Furniture: N/A

Familiars: (0/0)

Art Credits: empiredog

Player profile for use in Chronocompass.


-Name: Hiekka Leija (Sand Kite) -Gender: Male -Age: 29 -Race: Human -Class: Gunslinger/Bandit -Description: Hiekka is a dusky skinned man with shadowy amber colored eyes and dark brown hair, most of his form is concealed by a pair of colorful bright cloaks, under which he wears decorated leather armor, several crimson colored belts to hold his pouches, pistols and holsters, light and loose tan trousers, and leather boots tied at the ends with cloth strips. His arms are usually covered by similar leather and cloth strips and he usually wears a hood and scarf to keep the sand out of his clothing and face. Decorated braids hang from the left side of his face, with golden beads braided in, and with the ear of the same side pierced and dangling beads. His face is marked by decorative paint, usually geometric in design. -Story: Hiekka was born to a poor family living on the edge of the deserts. When he was young he was taught by his father to perform household chores and care for animals, but when he turned 12 he decided that life was too monotonous and ran away looking for something better. He was found a few days later by a group of men working as highwaymen and taken it at first as a sort of servant-slave, despite his pleading and acknowledgement of his mistakes. He worked as such until he turned 16, and the men decided to give the young man a chance at something better, in which he aided them in capturing a traveling caravan. Doing well in his first chance, he was given more and more until he eventually became a member of their group officially. When he turned 18 he had a quarrel with the leader and ended up accidentally killing the man. The rest of the group wished to slay him in retribution, but he fled into the deserts. From then on he worked small jobs with similar-minded individuals, or even solo, raiding, killing, pilfering and taking what he wanted when he wanted. He found the life to be rather comfortable and had put his misdeeds behind him as an act of fate, instead of his own fault and wrongdoing. While staking out a caravan to raid, he was caught in a sandstorm and ended up in the City by unknown means. -Items: -3 flintlock pistols -blackpowder -paper cartridges loaded with lead balls -spare lead balls -Dagger/Knife -Carving Knife -Spare set of clothing, head-wrap and hood -Small lantern -Water-skin -Leather bag -signal mirror -journal w/ charcoal -spyglass.