[Kimet] Sikal



7 years, 4 months ago


Kimet is a species by Painted-bees on deviantart.com

Inspiration Bird: Bearded Vultures
Name: Sikal
Sex: Male
Age: 46 Years
Occupation: Merchant of Fine Goods

    Very polite guy, often charming others into buying his merchandize. Theres a good chance he'll make you laugh without even realizing, he's also very sincere; he means what he says in all respects. Although he can be a sweetie he tends to be a bit naive and without realizing over do it  and accidently comes off as a little too friendly, "oh yes, yes, you look very good in that." And might creep some people out, but usually, Sikal is a charming merchant with a love for fine clothing and jewelry. 

-Will get flustered easily if someone is very sincere back to him! He'll puff his feathers by accident and try to hide his face under his arm fluff.
-Taps his feet when he becomes impatient

    As a child, he was always fascinated with his mother's fine silks and the shiniest of jewelry. He would wrap himself in everything he could find and run, jump, and twist all around the house loving every wispy wave of clothing he could make. As he got older and able to leave the house more and more he started buying and collecting small items. Anything from small bags torings and cuffs, scarfs and hats, anything that could be considered "fine clothing" really.
    The collection grew and grew with every passing year. He hated to see the older parts of his collection start to gather dust in his closet so he started to wear a different item every day. By the time he was a young adult he had collected enough things that he had no more room for the rest of his everyday things. Now he was old enough to need a job, and "start spreading his wings" as his parent put it; his room was covered wall to wall with clothes and jewelry he isn't able to wear. He had no idea what to do with it all, even though he tried he had too many things to be able to wear everything.

    It wasn't long before he came to the conclusion hed have to start selling his collection. With a heavy heart, he started up his own little stand in the bazaar. At first, we wasn't too enthusiastic about it, seeing al his lovely things leave his possession. But as the weeks passed, and the more sales he made, Sikal noticed that his stand was actually, really popular.
    He was astounded, never did he intend to be actually successful! He was making enough money to support himself alone and even buy some new fine clothing and jewelry in his spare time. With business going as it was hes decided to save up for an actual store location instead of his stand in the bazaar, he hopes to have enough by the end of summer seasons.

Clothing Notes: 
    Keeping in mind of the breast bone and how they need lots of room for their chest his clothing un-buttons and is generally a bit loose around the neck. While working in the bazaar he has a more formal  top and feet cuffs. For traveling to find new items and ideas for his shop he has a hooded scarf and even a satchel for bringing a few supplies.

OH! he also has a bridge piercing for glasses, but he usually only wears them while working.