Data (Tamagotchi puppy)



Nickame: Dates
Age: ageless
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday: January 6th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: Tamagotchi puppy
Height: 1.5"
Orientation: raging bisexual
Occupation: full time digital pet
Home: in a tamagotchi
Closest friends: Bugaboo, Kaleidoscope & Portal
Favorite color: magenta & neon blue
  • barking
  • being LOUD
  • meeting other tamagotchi
  • slacking off
  • biting things

Data is a your fun, feral, tamagotchi puppy friend!! They love biting and all sorts of puppy shenanigans. They're naturally drawn to characters that have cyber/digital themes or aspects. They like to eat website cookies so if you visit with uncleared cookies they may eat them away for you! If you have a tamagotchi OC, Data would love to be friends with them.

Data is one of my Mawmalade designed OCs!! Mawmalade is one of my top tier character designers so I'm extra attached to Data alskdljshf the only other Mawmalade OC I have is Pippen Pop, and I love her v much too. I'm hoping to get at least one more OC designed by them so I can have a trio,,,,

  • being neglected
  • not getting attention
  • scoldings
  • baths
  • malware