


3 years, 8 months ago



"I'll think of you each time I watch from distant skies
Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite"

  • name > Hollyblossom
        prefix meaning > Her dark coloring resembling holly bark
        suffix meaning > Her caring personality
        previous names > Hollykit, Hollypaw
    nicknames > Holly

    clan > Emberclan
        previous clans > xxx
    rank >Warrior
        previous ranks > Kit, Apprentice
    mentor > Newtspring, Sleetpuddle
    apprentices >
        current >
        previous > Acornnose, Widowmist

    age > 30 moons
    gender > She-cat
    sex > Female
    sexuality > Bisexual


basic description > Black rossette tabby she-cat with blue eyes

build > Lean and light
fur description > Silky and short
breeds > Manx x Nebelung x Siberian x Pixie Bob x Moggy

height > 21cm
weight > 7.3lbs
voice > xxx
> cedar and berries

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx


positive >
    >> Perceptive > Pays attention even when she doesn't look like it. She notices details peices things together in her mind, often managing to form something of a full picture from only minor details

    >> Empathetic > Puts herself in others' paws and sees things from their perspectives first. Cares deeply for the feelings and trials of those around her.

    >> Thoughtful > Always thinking and considering, taking the time to think before acting. Often goes out of her way to help others without needing to be asked.

neutral >
    >> Curious > Wants to know how everything works and is constantly looking into figuring out more. She has so many questions and just wants to know the answers.

    >> Wishful > Has an idealistic view of the world and is always hoping for the best possible outcome. She puts a lot of faith in other people to do the right thing regardless of their past.

    >> Romantic > Believes in true love and wants to find it for both herself and for others. She falls quickly for any flirting and is a sucker for a good love story.

negative >
    >> Sneaky >  Often does things behind other's backs to avoid confrontation and may even try to lie to get out of trouble. She can be very secretive at times and would rather avoid a potential issue entirely if possible.

    >> Fearful > Backs away from conflict or dangerous situations. She avoids taking risks and is easily startled by loud sounds or things going unexpectedly.

    >> Fragile > Sensitive and easily wounded. She takes things to heart and has a hard time dealing with harsh truths.


parents >
>> Irisdawn > the best mother > Grey torbie she-cat with heterochromia > Deceased
>> Snakeheart > Absentee father > Brown tabby tom with green eyes > Deceased

>> Snowwhisker > Awesome Step-father > Blue and white tabby trans-tom with blue eyes > Deceased

siblings >
>> Ferntail > Littermate > Chocolate torbie with yellow eyes > Alive

>> Berryshine > Littermate > Light colored classic tabby with green eyes > Deceased
>> Yewberry > Littermate > Torbie with yellow eyes >  Deceased
>> Mintbreeze > Littermate > Fawn spotted tabby with green eyes > Alive

>> Smokefeather > Half-sibling/step-sibling > Black tabby she-cat > Deceased
>> Shadowfeather > Half-sibling/step-sibling> Black tabby tom > Alive
>> Stonewhisper > Half-sibling/step-sibling> Black tabby tom > Deceased

>> Nightpatch > Step-sibling > Black and white molly > Deceased
>> Frostwind > Step-sibling > Blue and white molly > Deceased
>> Stormfire > Step-sibling > Blue tabby molly > Alive

extended >
>> Fernpounce > Maternal Grandmother >NPC > ???

>> Crowshadow > Maternal Grandfather > NPC > ???
>> Ivygaze > Maternal Aunt > NPC > ???
>> Robintail > Maternal Uncle > NPC > ???

>> Brindlepool > Paternal Grandmother > Chocolate torbie she-cat > NPC > Missing
>> Thorntail > Paternal Grandfather >Brown tabby tom > NPC > ???
>> Tulipkit > Paternal Aunt > Chocolate tabby she-cat > NPC > Deceased

>> Monarchpaw > Neice > Brown tortie molly > Alive
>> Swallowpaw > Neice > Blue tortie molly > Alive
>> Skipperpaw > Neice > Blue tortie molly > Alive
>> Bluekit > Neice > Blue tortie molly > Deceased

mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests > xxx
    looking for > xxx

likes in a potential mate >
    > Chivalrous

dislikes in a potential mate >

interested in kits > Someday
preferred family size > Any



Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Hollykit was born last in a litter of five. From the start, she'd known she'd always have her mom and littermates to rely on, although sadly not their father. Irisdawn had explained to the kits that their father had passed on sometime before their birth and that was why he wouldn't be in their lives. That was sad, but Hollykit felt worse for her poor mother. She just wanted her mom to be happy and loved like she deserved.

Hollykit became close friends with the other kits in the nursery. Her best friend being an older kit named Riverkit. Riverkit was always so nice and Hollykit enjoyed talking to her whenever the two had the chance.
It was sort of sad seeing Riverkit and her littermates being made apprentices, but Hollykit knew that it would be her turn to follow them soon enough.

One day Snowwhisker's partner came by, the two weren't officially mates but Snakeheart was meant to help raise their three kits. It was an odd arrangement, and even more so with how her denmates reacted to the tom's presence.
Irisdawn wanted nothing to do with Snakeheart and if she heard he was nearby would try to usher Hollykit and her littermates away.
Snowwhisker seemed to appreciate his rare visits, seeming like he wished Snakeheart was more active in their kit's lives. But it was Snakeheart's and Snowwhisker's kits who had the strangest reactions. Smokekit was absolutely thrilled whenever she saw him. Shadowkit became very nervous. And Stonekit just seemed to dislike the tom completely.
During one incident Hollykit actually got to meet the strange warrior. He was nice to her, even said something like how her dad would be proud of her. But seeing him berate Snowwhisker and Stonekit, Hollykit really felt bad for her friends. It was like saying- 'this kit is nice and polite, unlike my mannerless son.' She didn't like the comparison, even if it wasn't outwardly stated. She didn't want to be complimented by someone like that.
Hollykit decided she didn't really like Snakeheart. He was mean to his own kin and Snowwhisker's family deserved better.

Snowwhisker and Irisdawn announced their mateship to the clan and Hollykit couldn't be happier! It was such a surprise! Or well... no, she had noticed her mom and Snowwhisker getting closer. She was secretly rooting for them too. But now Snowwhisker was official with someone much better for him than nasty old Snakeheart. And Irisdawn had managed to find someone truly loving to share her life with!
Hollykit and her littermates were now step-siblings with all of Snowwhisker's kits. It was strange having her friends now be her siblings. But she would love her new brothers and sisters and do whatever she could to help them.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >

Hollypaw and her littermates were made apprentices. Hollypaw's mentor was a lovely molly named Newtspring.
Oh how exciting! She couldn't wait to spend time playing with Riverpaw again or exploring the whole of Emberclan territory.
Her littermate Yewpaw was given a very special role, training as a medicine cat under Hurricanewatcher. She wished her sister the best of luck, but it would be a little sad not sharing a den with her anymore. Still, there was so much for them to do now that they were apprentices.
Of course, she'd always still go back to check on her younger siblings too. Just because she was an apprentice now, didn't mean she would ever be too busy to spend time with them.
Soon Smokepaw, Shadowpaw, and Stonepaw were made apprentices. Hollypaw often did her best to help them out with their training while keeping up with her own efforts.
Irisdawn and Snowwhisker seemed so happy together still. Hollypaw knew they were going to last.

When she was nearing the end of her apprenticeship, Riverpaw suddenly came down with greencough. Her best friend succumbed to the illness and joined starclan. It was definitely a hard day, and to make matters even worse, Smokepaw lost her mentor in an accident.
Still, Hollypaw and Smokepaw had a lot of support. Their large family had so much love and care for each other, a part of her thought they'd be able to face anything together. Getting reassurance and comfort from Snowwhisker, Stonepaw, and Mintpaw really did make things a little easier. And Hollypaw still would do her best to be there for Smokepaw too, even if things did still really hurt.

Ever closer to that warrior assessment, but it seemed her apprenticeship was anything but dull. Her mentor Newtspring became pregnant with Thrushbriar's kits and thus, she had to retire to the nursery for the time being. Hollypaw was happy for her sweet mentor, the couple certainly deserved this happiness. She looked forwards to meeting all the new kits too, even if she was left a little lost by all the changes.
So Hollypaw's last moon of training would be under a tom named Sleetpuddle. He was a young warrior, Cinderwhisper and Reedstar's brother. Though he seemed very little like either of them. While that on its own was perfectly fine, the sort of company the tom kept was... well... questionable.

Hollypaw was uncomfortable with the tom's similarities and friendship with Snakeheart. Perhaps she was too quick to judge them both, but the fact was that Snakeheart had hurt her family in one way or another. Irisdawn still wouldn't talk about her feelings towards the tom or why she felt that way. But Hollypaw had seen first hand the way he interacted with Snowwhisker and her step-siblings. He... wasn't a nice person, more akin to the villain in the stories. And it really bothered her that Sleetpuddle didn't see anything wrong with that.

Despite her reservations, she had to admit Sleetpuddle wasn't a bad mentor. He focused on her training and helping her improve, even showing her a few new tricks. He often encouraged her observations and learning.
Hollypaw didn't think she would really consider the tom her friend, but he wasn't a bad mentor.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >

Hollyblossom was given her warrior name along with her littermates. It would be pretty neat being a warrior, though she found herself more busy than ever. Of course, it was all things she chose to do and was happy to do them. From visiting Yewpaw in the medicine den, to helping Stonepaw train, or checking in to see how Newtspring was doing in the nursery. Her kits would be born soon, and Hollypaw was truly excited for her.
She hadn't seen much of Sleetpuddle since being made a warrior, but she kind of expected it to turn out that way.

Her young step-siblings soon were made warriors as well. Stonewhisper, Smokefeather, and Shadowfeather. They were some interesting names and probably didn't help their parents from accidentally calling them the wrong ones. But Hollyblossom was proud of her siblings. Though while she found that Smokefeather and Stonewhisper had come into their own, Shadowfeather was still spending a lot of his time with Snakeheart, doing his best to try and live up to the tom's expectations. Hollyblossom would have to encourage Shadowfeather to spend time with the rest of them too, it was unfair of Snakeheart to single out one of his kits like that and put all that pressure on him.

Snowwhisker got sick with whitecough. Hurricanewatcher and Yewpaw were struggling with the new outbreak of illness as many cats quickly became ill. Even Newtspring's mate Thrushbriar caught the illness, she hoped it wouldn't spread towards their kits.
Hollyblossom worried over her stepfather a lot, he really seemed to be struggling.

Her brother Yewpaw was promoted to full medicine cat and named Yewberry. She would have liked to congratulate him, but he just seemed so tired lately with all the new cases.
And then Snowwhisker died.
Hollyblossom went to comfort her mom, mourning the loss of the only father she'd ever known. The pair of them had been so happy before, back when they were all apprentices. But now? So soon into her own life as a warrior, they'd said goodbye again.
So much of Emberclan were hurting. Probably the other clans too, judging from what she'd seen on patrols. She really hoped there would be a happy end to this story, but how could that be possible after so much loss?

The epidemic ended, and life went back to normal. It was so strange, watching things continue, it was like all that loss was just another passing moment, like it didn't actually mean anything. Well, Hollyblossom was glad for it to be over, but she had maybe wanted it all to be for something. But it was just... death.

Smokefeather had been bitten by a snake and died. Hollyblossom mourned his sister deeply, and yet what followed, was just more of the same. Desperate to take something from this, she looked for meaning, for reason, something she could learn and do better for the sake of her sister in Starclan.
Always be cautious of your surroundings? Don't go out alone? Don't carry any regrets?
All these things felt so small, like the kinds of things one may hear over and over again growing up. But in the end, she had to let go. There were no lessons that could magically make death any easier to accepts. She just had to grieve and continue.

One day the fragile peace was broken by the appearance of a rogue. She was called Wild, and Hollyblossom hadn't been there to witness the events that happened, but she heard a good deal about it afterwards. Wild was now a prissioner in their camp. But she had also saved Reedstar's life. And yet, the words she spouted were so unbelievable to man of her clanmates. Wild accused Tigerfrost and Sleetpuddle or poisoning prey and plotting against Reedstar.
Though she wanted to believe in her clanmates, Hollyblossom couldn't disregard the warning so easily. Tigerfrost had been her step fathers best friend, and Sleetpuddle had been her own mentor. And even more, these cats shared an even closer relationship to Reedstar, with Tigerfrost as her mate and Sleetpuddle being her younger brother.
It seemed so impossible that these cats would want to murder Reedstar. And yet, Hollyblossom knew she needed to look deeper to try and uncover the truth of the matter.

Hollyblossom looked for Sleetpuddle, she found him conflicted and distressed, so very much unlike the mentor she once knew. He was so troubled, and... the way he was acting in response to these events... It strengthened her worse suspicions. And yet, she couldn't turn away. She wanted to help him.
They didn't talk a lot about Wild and the accusation that had been thrown at him. But instead, Sleetpuddle asked her about Snakeheart, how she saw him. She knew that he seemed close to the tom, but she was honest with her own distrust and reasons for it. He told her about a cat he'd met as a kit, a queen named Lakebreeze who warned him against his own kin, and asked of him a great deal. He said he felt he'd been tricked, believed a lie for so much of his life.
Hollyblossom listened, and she tried her best to console him. He was once the cat teaching her, but maybe there were still things even she could do for his sake. At the end, she never had her suspicions confirmed or denied exactly. But she'd decided not to look into Sleetpuddle's part any further, and instead focus on trying to help him fix whatever they could.
Surely... It wasn't too late for things to get better again, right?

Things went from strange and conflicting, to chaotic in a matter of days. Hailclan cats came to them seeking refuge and Reedstar accepted them cautiously, but kindly. It was... a lot and further proof that Wild had been correct.
Hollyblossom felt guilty about keeping her suspicions to herself, but she wanted to believe in Sleetpuddle and Tigerfrost, even if they were involved as she highly suspected, it wasn't too late for them to change. They hadn't yet done the unforgivable and it didn't seem either of them wanted to cause harm. It was just... Snakeheart who Hollyblossom was worried about now.

When Wheatkit and Thrushbriar went missing, Hollyblossom felt terribly for Newtsrping. She'd have to split her attention again to help ease the queen's worries and help search for any sign of the two.

And then Hollyblossom was chosen to mentor Newtspring's blind son Acornpaw. The young tom was quite a charming young kid, and Hollyblossom swore she'd do her best as his mentor.
She wasn't sure she was quite ready, and she would be the first of her siblings to train an apprentice. But she would give it her all.

Thrushbriar and Wheatkit were found and Hollyblossom had never been happier to hear an apprentice ceremony. She'd promised Acornpaw and Newtspring that Thrushbriar and Wheatkit, now Wheatpaw would be found and brought home safe and sound. But she'd known it was a low possibility.

Hollyblossom wasn't present for what went down. She'd noticed the foreboding dark sky, but it wasn't until afterwards that she heard what happened.
She was proud to hear of how Sleetpuddle handled things but was kind of worried about him. Was this the sort of thing he had gotten himself involved in? What would happen now?

Snakeheart was dead. He and Tigerfrost were seen going out to the territory together but only Tigerfrost had come back. Snakeheart was carried back to camp by Shadowfeather.
Hollyblossom's feelings on this were conflicted. While one should never say a death was a good thing... She was glad to have Snakeheart away from her former mentor as well as her younger siblings. The more influence he had on their lives, the more she saw them come to ruin and hurt.
Then there was the fact that this was Shadowfeather's father. The pair were close, unlike Stonewhisper and Snakeheart. And she knew- this death must be hurting her brother a lot. He had been the one to find his dad and carry him back. Her heart broke for him, losing both fathers and to find one in such a state.

They were told that Snakeheart had been a spy. That he had been behind the attempt on Reedstar and the more recent attempt on Wild. Hollyblossom had to consider her suspicions confirmed now. And... Sleetpuddle needed to come clean.
If he didn't tell Reedstar soon, she would have to. This awful situation they were in wouldn't end otherwise.

When Irisdawn was suddenly appointed as Sleetpuddle's mentor, Hollyblossom felt a sense of relief. He had come clean. They rest of the clan were reasonably puzzled by this situation, but those who knew the full story knew it was for the best. Her mother would be a good fit for her former mentor.
It wasn't long after this that Sleetpuddle had been injured badly, all while lying in his nest asleep. Apparently, there had been a fight in the dark forest, and Sleetpuddle had risked his life but won, and now, Blizzardfang would torment the clans no longer.
A clan meeting was called, and Sleetpuddle came clean to them all as well as their Hailclan guests. He explained everything, and even who the other spies had been. Some cats took it as good news, this disaster was finally over, but others...
Drizzlesong had shouted at Sleetpuddle, disowning her son for his actions. Hollyblossom jumped to Sleetpuddle's defense, but there was nothing to be done about it.
She couldn't imagine a mother disowning their own kit, how horrible.

Things took on a shaky peace from there. Reedstar was finally able to receive their second life. The hope bridge had been rebuilt by two-legs. The Hailclan cats were able to coordinate with those in Cloudclan and finally return to their own clan together. Hollyblossom was happy for them.
By the time Leaf-bare hit, Hollyblossom was starting to let herself relax again, spending more of her time just for herself and making friends with a tom named Owlfeather.
Acornnose had been granted his warrior name and Hollyblossom couldn't be more proud for him.

Then one half-moon night, Yewberry returned shaken from what should have been a regular meeting. He and the other medicine cats, had been attacked. Dark forest spirits, Snakeheart and one of the Cloudclan spies.
The Crystal falls were damaged and at least two cats had been killed. Yewberry understandably didn't want to say much on the matter, it wasn't a good situation. Hollyblossom agreed with the decision not to allow half-moon meetings to continue for the time being.
Yewberry took on a new apprentice, a young molly named Briarpaw. Briarpaw's family situation was certainly a rough one, and Hollyblossom got to see that first hand through her own new apprentice, Widowpaw who was one of Briarpaw's littermates. The third sibling, Bramblepaw, was assigned to Ferntail. Hollyblossom was sure to coordinate with them so they could do more training sessions together.

Leafbare came early, harsher than any she had experienced before. Prey was scarce, storms were common and the clan was often being trapped in their own camp. And kits were plentiful. There was a major increase in kit births over this harsh season, adding more fuel to an already tense fire.
Among these kits, her step-sister Stormfire gave birth to a litter of four. Hollyblossom looked at them fondly from afar, the little she-cats all named for a different butterfly.

Many of her clanmates died of starvation, Owlfeather being among them. She mourned her friend, someone she had started getting closer to, wondering if maybe he was the one. But that was gone, and Owlfeather was with Starclan now.

Irisdawn and Stonewhisper was taken from her, they had been out on a small patrol with young Goosepaw, and the three of them were attacked by coyotes. Hollyblossom and the rest of their patrol were too late to save them.
Seeing Shadowfeather start to go, Hollyblossom followed after him, not wanting her brother to be alone right then. When she finally caught up, trying to convince him to come home again, he told her something.
They weren't just step-siblings, but half-siblings. Snakeheart had been her father too. Snakeheart- that monster of a warrior- the spy, the one who tried to kill Reedstar, the one who attacked Crystal falls even beyond the grave- who traumatized his own kids and told her her father would be proud of her.
When Shadowfeather turned to leave again, Hollyblossom didn't chase him, something she would regret for many moons to come.

Hollyblossom wasn't sure how to tell her littermates. But she did, she pulled Mintbreeze, Ferntail, and Yewberry aside to tell them. She had to, they needed to know.
Yewberry already knew, having heard from the fox-heart himself during the attack moons prior. Ferntail didn't have a big reaction, though he believed her, he just said he was glad Snakeheart was dead.
Mintbreeze didn't believe it at first- but she knew her well enough that she wouldn't have just made something like this up. Mintbreeze didn't give any reaction beyond that, pushing the knowledge down to deal with later.

Sleetpuddle had become a mentor again to young Poplarpaw and even announced a new mateship with Piketongue and Opossumsnap. She was happy for him, truly. She had been hoping for this outcome after seeing the three of them around camp. It was good that slowly but surely, Sleetpuddle was being accepted back into the clan again.
Just before they were to be made apprentices, Bluekit was suddenly taken from them, drowning in the stream. Hollyblossom saw her step-sister fall into despair at the loss, and hurt for her, though she didn't know what to do. There was just... too much.

Widowpaw was promoted to warrior, being given the name Widowmist.
An incident happened in the middle of camp where an elder was dragged under by a large fish. It had everyone scared as nothing like it had happened before. This was home, where their kits play, and now...
Lotusbreeze announced that he would be stepping down as deputy to be a normal warrior again. Hollyblossom wondered who would be chosen for the position next.

Acornnose suddenly died after a bad fall. It wasn't long after that Widowmist was swept away from the current. Both her apprentices were gone now. Hollyblossom didn't know what to do with so much loss, and she thought of Shadowfeather again, how he'd left when it all had become too much. Would that be her soon?
But she looked at her clan, she loved so many of the cats here. She couldn't leave them... Not when they still needed her.

Piketongue was chosen as the clan's new deputy, it was great news. The molly had worked hard for the position.
Lotusbreeze was found in critical condition, he'd been attacked but- no trace of his attacker was found and he couldn't get the words out to tell them what had happened. He was gone. Hollyblossom thought of Snakeheart, how even beyond the grave he'd come back to harm Yewberry and the other medicine cats. Could this have been his doing?
Wild was attacked in a similar way at a gathering not long after, but again no one had gotten a good look at her killer. It seemed it was happening in other clans too.

Reedstar lost their first life during a patrol of all things, just a regular patrol where they had lost their footing. But they had been acting strangely during the incident, and that off feeling didn't go away even after. What had they seen at that time?

Hollyblossom was standing guard one night when it happened- the current picked up and soon the water levels were rising quickly. She shouted for everyone to wake and flee- the camp was flooding!
As warriors went from den to den trying to get everyone out that they could, she set out to find Reedstar and Yewberry amidst the chaos.
She couldn't find them and time was running out. She turned to leave and- that's when she saw it. Reedstar's familiar red pelt, and a figure tackling them into the water. It all happened so fast, she was so far, that couldn't have just happened right?
Hollyblossom made it out and met up with Sleetpuddle and Piketongue, along with her own niece Skipperpaw. When Reedstar didn't appear- she had to tell them.
Piketongue took charge for the time being and lead the clan to the two-leg cabin. This was where they would set up temporarily.
Some cats refused and split off from them, going to the bathing boulders, but the kits and queens were grateful for the short trip and having someplace safe and dry for to rest and recover for the night.

Reedstar never reappeared. Neither did Yewberry, and many others had drowned during the rushed evacuation. So much had been lost to the flood, and the whole clan was left feeling scared for the future now.
Piketongue reluctantly took on the name Pikestar and became the new leader of Emberclan.


Irisdawn {Mother | Emberclan | Alive}

  Irisdawn is her role model. She adores her mother so much, but she can't stand the way her mom seems so distant from her clanmates. The death of her mate must have been so hard on her. It'd be wonderful if Hollykit could find a way to help her mother be happy again.

Mintpaw {Sister | Emberclan | Alive}

  Mintpaw is such a dear sister, she's always so helpful and earnest. Mintpaw is someone Hollypaw thinks she would get along well with even if they weren't related. It just makes her double-y glad that Mintpaw is her sister. Mintpaw is always there for her whenever she needs her.

Berrypaw {Sister | Emberclan | Alive}

  Berrykit is a good brother. He's very easy-going and a bit of a daydreamer. Hollykit can definitely relate. Her brother is a pretty good brother and she's always glad for his company. She hopes he grows into a splendid man like their father must have been.

Fernpaw {Sister | Emberclan | Alive}

  Fernkit is outspoken and confident, and very brave too. Hollykit can't imagine even attempting some of the things Fernkit does but she really admires her sister's courage.  She hopes Fernkit doesn't think her too much a baby when she doesn't want to join in.

Yewpaw {Sibling | Emberclan | Alive}

  Yewkit is definitely an odd one, already so stand-offish around her and the rest. Still her littermate is always honest and Hollykit knows she can always rely on them. It's okay that they aren't best friends, Hollykit knows Yewkit has a good heart and will become a very good adult too.

Riverpaw {Best friend | Emberclan | Deceased}

  Riverpaw died of greencough during their apprenticeship together. It was really hard on Hollypaw and she misses her everyday. Riverpaw was someone Hollypaw loved to talk to and spend time with. They had so many plans for the future and now they were just... gone. It was Hollypaw's first experience with death and it'll stay with her for a long time to come.

  •  Romantic stories
  •  Her family (minus Snakeheart)
  •  Flowers
  •  Rainy days
  •  Dancing
  • Ice
  • Strawberries
  • Sad stories
  • Brambles
  • Cold ambition
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  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)
  • 🟆 Trivia fact (optional)

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