Secret Serval



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Secret Serval

Theme Color

[#A9BC8B] (The color of their tongue, what they'll stick out at you!)


Secret Serval

You CAN be social while you're being secretive!
They/Them (He/Him)

Realm of Mynros Profile Profile

Secret Serval will show up where they can. Generally uses male pronouns, but finds more comfort in the neutrality of they/them. Has this fun trick he likes to show off.. or rather, stop showing off. ;)

Why the name Secret Serval? Because this Serval themed mhoat is somehow really good at being secretive.
The mhoat absolutely loves food, and does anything they can to get their hands on a delicious snack, meal, buffet.. If there is food to be had, Serval is there.
Or is he? Well, there seems to be food missing, but Serval doesn't seem to be around. Ever.
Even if he is spotted occasionally biting down on some food, you can't really tell if he just now stole that food or if he had purchased or harvested it legally.
They have never in their life been caught- even if their 'victims' realize instantly that the food was stolen, the victim can turn around and.. not find Serval. They just won't find Serval, even if he's.. right there!
Or at least.. has Serval never been caught? It seems there is one mhoat, who seemed to have more magic than a mhoat should have, (in Serval's opinion anyway,) who spotted Serval getting his hands on some Saltie Shells..
Delicious, but Serval was quite surprised to be caught in the moment!
(If this seems familiar to you, you may have seen or gone to the shops on-site.)
Regardless, it's not as if Serval's a bad guy.. most of his victims could easily miss the food, and those who couldn't, well, he hasn't left them empty handed.
Though the mystery remains how Serval gets away with it so easily...

Serval likes any type of food, considering the wide span of foods mhoats can eat, and it is unlikely there is something Serval doesn't like. His favorite type of food is fast food, though his MOST favorite type? The common currencies of the Realm of Mynros- Caps, False Sprouts, Saltie Shells, Fungheist Flowers and Frosty Berries.. they're so rare, they're delicious! :3c