Tisula Muzaori



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Tisula Muzaori

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Spirit: Reliable

Likes: Fruits, company, swimming and rainwater (would go out in the rain without an umbrella)

Dislikes: Tall grass, spiders and slime

Tisula is a kind and reliable young lady of the Muzaori Clan, she is experienced at fishing and hunting, she sells her excess game to traveling merchants while saving every coin she makes in order to one day buy herself a large merchant galleon and hire a crew to go on a voyage through Imperial Waters, mainly to search for a legendary fish mentioned in many ancient texts said to have the power to cure the effects of old age and lift curses.

Tisula has already tried fishing for this legendary fish from land within the Kitnova Clan and their neighboring clans countless times with no luck and has convinced herself it must be somewhere deep in the vast open seas...