


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Gaul
Alignment Natural
Age 800+?
Height 5 '11 / 180.34cm
Gender Male
Sexual Preference Hetero
Species Surface Drow
Occupations Adventure, Pirate, Mercenary


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Gaul had not returned to his drow home since he started adventuring on his own. Leaving behind his name and clan. So as not to blemish their reputation with his actions. Be them good or bad.

His best-est friend is a dwarf that goes by Lindyberge Mchhammerfist White. They met after had some bad luck thrown his way and was set back in life. The red bearded dwarf offered him a job aboard his ship, as he was lacking a few men after a storm blew some overboard. Gaul being from a place where they used rivers for travel. Joined up and adapted well to the life at sea and the piracy. As well as the coins that came from it.

From there. Life only got more interesting for the drow... and the future adventure he would have after that fateful day.


Being a drow from the surface he breaths a little more fresh air than his underworld cousins. Helping him integrating on the surface

Has a rare color of blue to his eyes

Gaul comes from a place, where boys are given a knife by their father to protect themselves from danger. And their mother quilt's them a Poncho to protect themselves from the cold from the north...or the knives that would come for them.

In many different worlds. All Gauls have the one scar that marks them. The lightning scar that goes from his shoulder to his heart. The nearest point Gaul had ever come to being killed by a lightening strike from a Red Wizard.

There are many alternate worlds, with many different Gauls. Each of them sharing something in common, but sometimes you meet blue eyed drows who are far eviler than others.

Its hard for him to keep a shirt on.


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