
7 years, 3 months ago


Star is from a place called the Calm Wastes, a barren desert with only a small selection of life tucked within it. However, deep within the empty silence of the wasteland lies an oasis. Within this oasis, maintained by a natural underground spring, lives the Melodoquist people. A peaceful tribe, these people are mostly isolated from danger by the nearly unlivable conditions of the Wastes. Thanks to this, they have prospered and developed a unique culture and language. Star is the youngest son of the chief of this tribe. Being the youngest, it will be his brother who inherits the title chief. Not that Star minds, though. He'd rather leave the oasis and spend the rest of his time exploring the rest of the world. He's dying to see beyond the boundaries he's been living in his whole life. Star is somewhat special, as he is a Chosen Child, picked by the patron Goddess, the Grand Mother, at birth to do something important. This blessing also comes with a corruptive form of ice magic. Because it is corruptive, it causes changes in his body, including a drop in body temperature and glowing markings all over his body. He's incredibly talented and is naturally skilled at magic. Star is immensely soft spoken and relatively shy. But he's also very proud, being raised as the cherished son of the chief. He's a prized gem, and due to that, he's very spoiled. He's also very naive and trusting to a fault. He tries his hardest to see the best in everyone. He's less innocent than you would think though, and he enjoys getting into trouble and testing boundaries. If he's comfortable enough with you, he's actually pretty sassy and sarcastic. But you really only ever see that side of him around his family. Star is very close to his brother and father, who both are very protective of him. His mother passed away shortly after his birth, so he doesn't really remember her much. He doesn't spend much time thinking about it though, as he has had handmaidens since birth that he thinks of in a very maternal way. He also has the village elders, who act as advisers to the chief. One of them is his grandmother, but all the elders treat him like their own. Any of them are glad to offer him advice should he ask.

 Info on Melodoquists: 

Melodoquist people do not have gender roles, or even really assigned genders, in their society. They have a variety of pronouns in their language. When an infant is born, they are referred to with a neutral pronoun mostly reserved for children (called kits). As they grow, they are allowed to decide how they will present themselves and what they want to be referred to as. They also have secondary sexes, consisting of alphas, betas, and omegas. Omegas are relatively rare. (it's about 20:70:10 respectively) Being born an omega, especially considering the royal family is almost entirely consisting of alphas, makes Star seem even more delicate in comparison. Melodoquist people's ears are used as an external cooling mechanism (kind of like a Fennec Fox), as well as being able to sense pressure changes and small sounds.

An important aspect of Melodoquist culture is their religion. All Melodoquists worship a patron deity known as the Grand Mother. She is a deity connected to fate, able to predict and see the course of people's lives. Sometimes, she will select specific members of the community destined for something important, and name them one of her Chosen Children. These people are given special abilities, including magic, and the ability to see people's fates in limited amounts. They can also converse with the Grand Mother herself through meditation. The only other people who can do this are the Elders, though they have a much shallower connection and are not privy to the amounts of information Chosen Children are. As such, Chosen Children are considered very important to Melodoquists, and are generally seen as pillars of their community. If there is one in a village, the chief or leaders will often refer to them along with the Elders when making decisions. In the case of a Chosen Child being picked from the royal family, that child is given first claim to the throne, although they can chose to simply waive that privilege.