



Starlight, Starlost.


name Hibiki
age Adult
pronouns he/him
S. O. N/A?
species human
Role survivor



Biki has always been fairly... distant. He's not happy, but not really someone who you could call 'sad', either. Just... numb. Few who knew of him when he was younger tend to say he used to be happier, that he was someone positive- but... it just doesn't exist anymore. He talks, often, about colors, and how wonderful they are. If you get close enough, there's genuine emotions in there- he's just... always been bad at showing them, especially since the accident.


Hibiki was a normal enough kid. He was obsessed with video games and MMORPGs, playing them constantly! He spent most of of his waking hours gaming, even if his parents weren't... the most happy about it. When he was 18, he moved out of his parents house into a friends' place, and... something happened. It was a freak accident, that's what everyone always said- but it resulted in him losing his eyesight. Something about a computer- something about a virus. Hibiki hasn't ever fully recovered. He doesn't like who he is now, or the suffering he's enduring- but there's... nothing he can do. There's no happy ending for him- not that he can see. He used to be something cool, someone fun! Someone who was loved- someone who loved... But now? He's alone. Again. All alone. Just a poor blind boy and his memories.

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code by reeverri