


3 years, 9 months ago


General Info




    Technology Gremlin

Species Description (if fictional):

    Tech. Gremlin’s are an incredibly intelligent race. They have the capability of entering anything with electricity (although the easiest thing to enter is cyber related devices) coursing through it, and modifying anything in the device. This ability leads to many of them being cyberterrorists, OR on the opposite spectrum they take up the job as house caretakers.
    Tech. Gremlins have about 8 bars of power before they need to charge, which they do via their tail. Their tail can change into any plug but most normally keep it as one unless needed (which is normally what they use the most for charging. For GameMaster it is a computer plug). They have one eye with three pupils, and two antennae that are used to enter specific electronics. Hidden behind their V-shaped mouth is countless teeth that are sharp and pointy. Most keep these hidden as they try to utilize their cuteness to lead others into a false sense of security. Four arms with detached bean-like fingers help them type and the fingers can move about 15 feet away from the hand. 

    Some Tech. Gremlins have a poof of hair on their head and all have two ears that are at the back of their head, normally being very round and reaching their hips. 



Job/Job Description:

    Simulation Manager - GameMaster creates and executes the simulations made in the Arena for experiments. She has a heavy regulation on the simulations and none are allowed to kill the projects permanently, which she finds overall annoying as that leads to her having to do more in-computer coding and a lot more test runs. She has created little models of all the projects for test runs and often when she is not working, she can be seen playing a game where she uses these models she made which overall allows her to torture and kill the projects over and over. It gets regular updates. 


    GameMaster is a sadistic individual who is as well highly narcissistic. She seems to only listen to Gi n Pris (even then she tries to twist their words to work for her. She always fails in the end but it's a fun game to her). She enjoys making messed up mind games to torture others, and with ehr charismatic personality, it goes well for her enjoyment. 

Universe/World of Origin:

    G.Vitrix - G.Vitrix is a heavily futuristic universe riddled with cybercrime. There are heavy laws over the cybernet, and anyone who breaks a law is sent to automatic death. 


    GameMaster was an elusive Cyberterrorist in her universe for centuries before she got caught in an ambush. She was absolutely pissed at being caught as that meant her life was over, until a prismatic dragon from another universe came to her cell and offered a deal. Work at their Multi Universe Research Facility and she wouldn’t have to die. The Tech. Gremlin took the deal as quickly as it was offered and began her new life as the Simulation Manager working for MURF. 


    1’ (Small)


    Heightened Intelligence - Due to GameMaster’s species, she is highly intelligent. She is a quick thinker and an even quicker strategist (this being from countless years of evading the cyberpolice and playing video games). She is as well as a master at making up games, which she uses as well to make her simulations. She is capable of making a full working simulation in a few hours that looks fully realistic, although it takes her hours more to fix glitches and make it up to Gi n Pris’ standards. 

    Charismatic Manipulation - GameMaster is highly skilled at manipulation with her charismatic and playful nature. 

    Taser - GameMaster’s tail is capable of sending out powerful shocks when in contact with another creature. She has some control over it but doesn’t really care over it, finding it fun to watch the electricity crackle between the prongs. 


    Battery - GameMaster has a limited power source that has to be recharged or she will go into ‘Sleep Mode’. She has about 8 bars which without any special exertion can last her 20 hours. It takes her a full hour to charge completely. 


    Cyber Surfing - GameMaster is able to enter electronic devices with ease and change anything within them. She can as well hop from one device to another using the internet. This means if someone were to send an email, text, anything to another device, she could hitch a ride to said device. 

    Teleportation - GameMaster is capable of dispersing into molecules for a short period of time and quickly moving through air molecules to another point. It looks as though she is glitching from place to place when she does this. Doing this depletes her battery quickly if done multiple times in a row, so she normally limits this. 

    Levitation - GameMaster is capable of levitating to any height. This helps her get around quicker as she is quite slow if she were to simply walk. 

Assigned ID:



Speed - 10/10

Agility - 10/10

Strength - 1/10

Charisma - 9/10

Stamina - 3/10

Intelligence - 10/10

Smell - 0/10

Sight - 5/10

Hearing - 5/10