Souta Yoshida (Art Prompts)



I'll make this pretty later, but! Mostly ideas for kinds of poses/settings/themes lol

- Scopophobia

- Red string of fate!!

- Aerial acrobatics (silks, hoops, etc)

- Cyberpunk settings; neon cities, wandering?

- Gun poses

- Anything with dramatic patterns to draw the eye to him!! I love those!!!

- Nature / Flora-related?

- Anything relating to a digital world is also super awesome- falling into a screen type beat too

- Detective work!!! Red stringboards!!! Paranoia!!! Go bonkers go crazy!!!

- Anything regarding rivalry/foils w Kojima is also super epic

- Anything relating to his associated aesthetics!

- SPACE SPACE SPACE space themes are super great

- I got the idea from a song buuuut, shattered magic 8 balls are cool...

Playlist (for inspo):