Mhao Yarne



3 years, 8 months ago


Sole daughter of a pair of Sharlayan scholars. Her parents did some research someone important did not like and so they had to flee to the Shroud to live in secret, just Mhao and her parents all alone as the people in the Shroud aren't allowed to give shelter to Mooncats.

When Mhao is around ~7 her parents die (coincidence? I think not) in the time before the calamity. Since then she has been living all alone in their hut in the woods with only her pet ferret and a lot of complicated science books. She's very smart but couldn't learn a lot of social cues and how to express emotions, therefore she is almost always very straight-faced. She is not shy, and not afraid to speak her mind WHEN she speaks. She's just very silent.

Born as a natural whitemage, she could hear the elements very clearly and they helped her survive. She learned how to grow her own food and can prepare nritious meals with whatever she has at hand (earthworms anyone?) But has never had the pleasure of eating spiced food (her parents were Sharlayan so their food was bland as hell too). Therefore she is BAD with food with lots of spices like pepper or salt or others.

She sets out on her adventure because the Ascians mess with the woods and Mhao can hear them SCREAMING at her so she leaves her humble abode to find out what is going on the woods. She just wants peace and quiet. Thatls how she runs into Yda and Papalymo (which she very much does not like at first) anf they just kind of make her join the Scions.

She is not very pleased with the whole 'for the sake of the realm' reasoning of people risking their lives because that's her most valuable good, the only thibg she has left - her life - until Minfilia offers her a warm meal and Mhao sees a mother figure in her and joins her cause.

From then on she just kind of does what she's told to do and gradually grows into the warrior of light. Alphinaud becomes her friend by mumbling sonething about a math theory and Mhao hears it and corrects him very quietly and they become discussion friends. He also teaches her a lot about the world and its people.