


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Beetlegeuse, or Juice

Gender: Male

Token: Goliath beetle

Age: 24 earth years

Height: 1.9m

Occupation: Exo-Entomologist

Personality: Unsure of how to act around other nebs, but get him on a subject he knows a lot about and he'll go off enthusiastically. 

Meet Beetlegeuse, or Juice for short. He went to a prestigious Intergalactic University, where he earned his degree in exo-entomology (alien arthropods). In university, he met Gavin (https://www.deviantart.com/nebnommothership/art/Firefly-850607371), who studies bio luminescence.  Juice is now an exo-biologist who goes from planet to planet gathering information about the insect life on said planets. He's a bit unsure of himself, but tries his hardest anyways! He tends to be a bit of a know it all when it comes to his work, and will talk your ear off for hours about why beetles are so cool. In his spare time, he also studies the skies, having a particular fondness for the star he was named after, Beetlegeuse, in the Orion constellation. 

Early Nebhood:

Born into a family unit of 3 nebnoms, he was raised in a rough and tumble household. He spent most of his early days learning everything he could about the flora and fauna on the Ebrheza, the small planet they lived on, while avoiding the hunting trips his fathers would force him to go on. Juice was perfectly content to observe the native life, rather than slaughter it, no matter how necessary a part of life it was. When he was a bit older, he planted a garden with a variety of vegetables to sustain the family unit. 

Juice was always considered smart. Even fresh out of the egg, he was fast to pick up on speech and movement, his dad’s chalking it up to there being an extra nebber contributing his nebular. He devoured books ravenously, moving from picture books up to novels, and eventually into textbooks, with special interest in the biology and astronomy areas. It wasn’t until his parents convinced him to test for a spot at the Interstellar University aboard the mothership that he realized how smart they thought he was. It wasn’t until he tested and got in that he believed them. 

In his general courses, he met another young nebnom named Gavin, who was studying Bio-luminescence. They became fast friends, always joking they were destined to be pals due to having beetles for their tokens (Gavin’s is a firefly, Juice’s a Goliath beetle), and vowed to take in any other neb with a beetle token. 

University proved tougher than Juice imagined, and near the end of his 3rd year, he started struggling in his courses, unable to keep up with the course load. He fell into a depression, feeling like he had failed his parents’ expectations of him. After lots of pestering by Gavin and his family to seek help, Juice finally sought out a therapist, who helped him realize how much was on his plate. He wound up cutting back how many classes he was taking, and passed them all with excellent scores, winding up graduating near the top of his class (Number 23, which was good enough for him).