


4 years, 30 days ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Vorpstar
Pronunciation: V-orp-st-ar 
Nicknames: Vorp
Age: 35
Birthday: September 20
Birthplace: planet popstar
Species: warp star brought to life when enfused with dark matter
Gender: no gender
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 1’3

.:Distinguishing features:.

Current residence: planet popstar
Current home: A abandoned shack in the fields of dreamland
Occupation: wizard 
Relationship status: single
Social status: a  wizard known for his dark matter and mirror magic

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Jarvis from avengers
Language: Common
Other languages known: 
Style of speaking:verbal 

.: Personality :.

A loner who doesn’t really like to converse with others he likes to be alone and practice his magic. He will talk to others when needed but he keeps it cut and clean so the conversation can end quick. He’s extremely smart but he’s a closeted nerd who loves magic.

Likes: magic, being alone, training
Dislikes: conversations, villains 
Hobbies/past times: flying and sleeping
Guilty pleasures: Mac and cheese 
Pet peeves: 
Personal goals: to find out who made him
Religious values: dosent have any
General intelligence: is very smart and can solve the most complex of equations 
General sociability: He will talk to others when needed but he keeps it cut and clean so the conversation can end quick.

.: Relationships :.








Friends (currently)



Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: is profound in magic and can control it well
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: his magic items and mirrors  

.: Abilities :.

-Dark matter-

Has standard dark matter powers because of being infused with it.


Can create mirrors to reflect things,use as portals and use as a weapon when he mixes his dark matter with his mirrors they can blast a huge beam of dark matter


Being a warpstar brought to life he can reach extreme speeds and when reaching his limit he can warp to a new location

.: Fears :.


.: Health :.



.: History :.



.: Other Details :.
