


4 years, 28 days ago


Orientation: Gay

A shy but talented Enedii boy, Mikhail is a soft spoken young man with a tender heart. Having grown up in the countryside with his parents, he has a deep love for nature and animals, fitting for an ecomancer like him. Due to his more feminine appearance and meek nature he is often mistaken for a woman and constantly hit on by overly confident men which causes poor Mikhail to fluster and stutter in embarrassment. He takes an appreciation for the more quite things in life, enjoying hiking, herb making, and studying. When he came of age he went to further his magical prowess with study under an established sorceress, of whom he apprenticed under for a while. However things quickly turned dark when he became aware of her plans to infiltrate the royal family and take over the kingdom, stomping out most every other magical family along the way, and Mikhail had no idea he was unwittingly helping her do it with the various potions and tonics she was having him make. Suddenly the mysterious deaths of so many nobles and duchesses he had delivered parcels to made sense. Fearing for his life Mikhail fled, but was swiftly caught. His sorceress teacher Mara, in a playful mood at the time, decided to spare his life on a whim, instead placing a curse on him causing his ecomancy to go wild out of his control: flowers sprouted upon his skin, and the more he used his magic, the more they grew and consumed his body. Currently the flora has already consumed his right eye and the most of the right side of his upper body. Over time, the flora will slowly overwhelm and kill him. After fleeing, Mikhail spent time struggling to survive on his own until he happened by chance upon Veára, saving her life from a dangerous huntress. There he discovered his natural magic had some kind of healing/soothing effect on the woman, and the two took to traveling together; Mikhail providing medicine and healing to Veá to soothe her curse, and Veá offering protection and mobility while they searched for cures for both their afflictions. Despite being vastly different, Mikhail has a strong bond with Veára and will protect her with his life.

Main Class: Sage