Daniel's Comments


hes grown up so much!!! its cool seeing your old ocs grow with you over time :D spirit has changed a lot too since our pokemon rp days LOL

DUDE IM SO SORRY I LET THIS MESSAGE STAY IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG! yeah he went from a pokemon catboy to... middle aged loser man... at this rate hes gonna go to a retirement home soon. i was sooo surprised to see a message from u my jaw dropped but hi omg im glad to see u around! thanks for saying hi :p!! since i left dA i lost track of a ton of people and i was wondering how u were doing, im glad to see u on here ^w^ spirit grew up so much too! wow! i still have muscle memory of drawing that lil blue charmander lol


NO WORRIES!!!! i just happened to find your TH by pure chance LOL its nice seeing you again! both of us turned our pokemon ocs into old ass weirdos LOL