Rosaline Beaumont



7 years, 2 months ago


Rosaline Beaumont

Age 32 in human years
Species Faefolk; Fairy
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Sexuality Pansexual


Rosaline is a fairy, meaning she is an insect-like humanoid. She is petite and short (5’4”) and has a segmented body with pale pink skin, clawed hands and feet, large pointed ears and antennae. From her waist down, her body is a slightly lighter shade of pink and her hands and feet are dark magenta. Her antennae are hot pink. She has two large hot pink eyes with darker pink cuttlefish pupils. On her back she has a pair of large pink wings, shaped like a butterfly’s, with darker lined markings. Her face, shoulders and ear tips are freckled.

Rosaline likes wear cute, frilly and traditionally “girly” clothes like dresses with lace and ribbons.


Rosaline lives up to her name and is as sweet as they come. She’s extremely generous and sometimes just gives away her goods, if she can. She’s a master of her craft and makes teas that can do anything from calm you to inject you with a dose of confidence. But like all fae, it’s unwise to cross her. Just because your pay back isn’t obvious, doesn’t mean it can’t be nasty...but you wouldn’t cross a fae either way, right?


Rosaline and her sisters Amity and Capritta hail from France as part of the Terra Court. It was her idea to move overseas to America with her sisters. The prospect of a new place with new people was more than enough to have her gleefully explain to her sisters how good an idea it was and convince them to come with her. Nowadays, she spends a quiet life managing the Tri-Fae Cafe. As of late, she’s met a kind man named Terry who she eventually enters a relationship with.


As one of the Faefolk, Rosaline is extremely skilled in the usage of magic, using it to augment the food and drinks her and her sisters make in the Tri-Fae Cafe. To those who cannot see past the Veil, Amity appears human.

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