


3 years, 9 months ago


Full Name: Sequoia Altmier

Gender: male

Birth Place: the elven city/kingdom of Yïves

Birthday: November 17th

Age: 224

Race: elf 

Eye color: musty brown

Hair color: burnt red 

Height: average for elven kind



Parents: unknown father & Chrysanthemum 

Siblings: none

Spouse(s): Willow Altmier

Children: Rivan Altmier

Other Information

Random Facts: 

  • One of the things Sequoia loved was that his family is small and wants to keep it that way. 
  • Chrysanthemum never told Sequoia who is father actually was, and at this point in time, Sequoia literally doesn't care enough to try to find out. 



Languages Spoken: Elvish, Common



Sequoia in no way was born a nobleman but common-folk of a northern Elven Guard town known as Yïves. He was raised by a single red-headed and loving mother, Chrysanthemum Altmer. He never knew his father and never cared to as Chrysanthemum told him stories of his father walking out. Despite being poor, Sequoia's mother provided a very normal childhood to him. Though Sequoia at a young age clearly remembers his mother's sewing store going under, pushed behind bigger name clothing brands. Chrysanthemum and Sequoia had to leave Yïves as a result of having no extended family to call upon. The Altmer elves found refuge in Arün, a kingdom south of Yïves in Elven Guard. Due to Arün's programs to help the poor get back on their feet, Sequoia had his life return to somewhat normal. His mother took a job working as a maid in the Arünian castle under the rule of King Valka while Sequoia was sent to school and lived on as everything was fine. 

He grew up, but as he grew he spent some time in the royal court, waiting for his mom to get off work. Sequoia often found himself outside the castle walls, where every now and then the guards would let him in to see the castle or even show him to his mother. Sequoia came to love the inside of the castle, as beautiful as Arün itself, especially when the king married and had a son. The palace was bright and cheery with young Prince Laverne running every which way. Sequoia had no real need to visit the royal estate after he became an adult physically, though he liked bringing Chrysanthemum lunch every now and then. He found being in the castle entertaining, and decided to secure his own job of working within the castle walls. He noticed how the king seemed to have a council that helped him make important decisions for the kingdom and the entirety of Elven Guard. Suddenly, just being in the palace wasn't enough for him. He wanted to be closer to the royal family. 

Only once he became an adult by elf standards did he begin to go after the position on the High Council, as the council positions were only to adult aged elves. He got straight to work on his campaign for High Council election as that part was democratic unless the king himself gave the position to him. He wanted to improve schools and had some ideas to better the helping the poor program as he'd grown up within it. The Arünian citizens seemed to love his ideas and when the next opening for the High Council came, he leaped into it as the people held Sequoia high on their pedestal. 

Nevertheless, Sequoia really enjoyed his newfound position in the High Council as King Valka and Queen Moria had another son, Prince Jericho. He enjoyed being close to the royal family.