Avery Lockheart



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Avery Lockheart
Profession: Performer/ student
SHSL talent: Ultimate Bird Trainer
Sexuality:  homosexual, homoromantic
Gender: Female - she/her (trans MtF)
Species: Human

Backstory: She was there when a bird hatched and It thins shes its mother it was all down hill from there 


Avery displays herself as a confident woman. She’s loud, proud and very out there. She’s a protective figure who will snatch anyone who she thinks needs protection “Under her wing”. Being observant and good at reading body language she will pick up on signs quickly. She’s a confident extrovert who will be the sweetest thing if you’re on her good side. Get on her bad side and she won’t hesitate to publicly threaten to rip you apart and will never let the grudge go. It’s hard to push her to this point however.

Behind closed doors and when she's completely on her own Avery is a little more Sullen and withdrawn. She’s quiet but she often appreciates the time to just be quiet and think. On her own she’s a much sadder person than she lets on. She misses her mother and is deeply affected by the loss of her.

Likes: Birds, Hair dye, Bells, Heels. Boots, berry flavors, gummy snacks
Dislikes: Wing trimming, Kiwis, Cigarettes, vape products, guns,

Her eyes, hair ends and lipstick can be different colors, she wears colored contacts to match the color the end of her hair is dyed they are naturally brown
She has two birds she personally keeps, an African named Blueberry and a Cockatoo named Strawberry
Blueberry may be the greys name but she mostly calls him her son
She calls her pair of birds her "Little berries"
V tall, sometimes wears heels because they make her even taller which she likes
Avery is allergic to bees, mint, and seafood