Rei's Comments

Heyo! I was wondering if I could draw this kiddo for the recent runi pride event? If not that’s totally fine :D <3

Sure np, she’s aro ace

Awesome thanks bro, would it be ok if they were in a piece with a few others?


They were super fun to doodle, thank you for letting me draw em man ^^

2k pts + a oc from my clearout folder? or a mini doodle artwork (i dont have much time at all bc of school :,v)

I can up the point offer to 2.5k if that helps!! :0

aa I wasn't sure if this one was an option as a clearout oc since I saw you wanted to sell them- I’d be willing to trade for them + 2k if you’re ok with that?

Aa sadly id rlly prefer to sell them or at least have a diff add on :,v i could def consider though with maybe another oc / maybe a runicwing myo / art add on? (though ik ur also in school so i dont wanna put any extra work on ya ;w;!)

i could also up my og offer to 3k + a mini colored doodle ?

I’d be willing to do the 3k ^^ dont really know who I want art for rn so just the points is fine

1 Replies