Alpha Demon



3 years, 8 months ago


Α. In the year 2010, Alpha was the first to die as a result of the Chaos War as his brother went mad and sided with an evil Demon Emperor by the name of Demogun who stab his head multiple times and then left him for the demo-lizards to feast on his corpse. Alpha then suddenly woke up on a dark planet called Destination Imagination, where it was all out war and the God that resided there had become corrupted and led an army of shadow demons called The Shadow legion to do his bidding and strike fear to those who dare stand before him. After realizing that he was reincarnated as a robot and had happened to him, Alpha escaped and quickly made friends with the DI Rebellion who have a score to settle with the god themselves, Alpha Demon sides with them to end the Shadow Legion and defeat the God of Creation once and for all. Α