


3 years, 9 months ago


General Info


    Nymphera (Nym)



Species description (if fictional):

    Reyennets are a blind (quite literally, they have no eyes in the sockets) alien species that have large and long teeth. They have venom that they can inject during a bite that is unique to the reyennet (and the twin, due to the universe they hail from). This venom can range from a mild sedative to a deadly toxin. Any venom from a reyennet is highly sought after in the Dilopian Pxatra Universe. 

Reyenetts have a favour for others of their kind with deadly, or useful venom. Reyennets as well have a class system based on if you have killed your twin or not, those who have are seen as true reyennets. They as well have a class system for how useful a reyennet is for breeding, Male Submissives often being killed or thrown out for dead due to having no capability of breeding. Neutrals are the most prized as they have the capability to give birth and fertilize. Both gendered Dominants and Female Submissives are ranked just below Neutrals. Dominant and Neutral reyennets have the largest canines and Submissives have much smaller ones.


    Female (She/Her)


    Nymphera is an obsessive, possessive, and cruel individual who will do anything to get what she wants. She regularly abuses her venom to make others forget what she has done to them and consistently does it again and again. Her obsessive nature goes hand in hand with her possessiveness, which she mixes with manipulation to lull who or what she wants into submission.  

World of origin:

    Nymphera hails from the Dilopian Pxatra Universe, from a planet called Kondpa. In this universe, twins are always born. These twins are polar opposites of each other but look exactly the same at birth. It’s common for whenever the twins reach their adulthood that they battle until one is dead to gain their whole personality. Twins can’t be killed by each other before they reach their adulthood.


    Nymphera was born to a rich and powerful family of high official reyennets. She grew up in a family that was distant, parents never being around, and her sister she found was too sweet to be around. She was real, not fake like the rest of their family. Nym hated that. She was too weak for her own good and needed to be killed as soon as possible. 

    Nym acted kindly to her sister as much as she could before the day they reached adulthood. The moment they did, Nym killed her sister and gained the other half of her personality and memories. Nym was able to lock them away and ignore them, with help from her parents. Soon after, she started her own business that provided a multitude of things. She started collecting reyennets with useful venom as well, and sold it to others for a large profit. She was ecstatic to learn of a neutral reyennet whose venom could rot a creature from the inside out. 

    Nym went on a hunt for the one known as “Calistan”. She found him quite quickly, as he worked at a nearby brothel. She found him highly amusing with his witty remarks and he even tried to manipulate her into joining him in bed. She humoured him for a while, quickly growing an obsession over the idea of owning him, before giving a proposal to him: Work for me as an assassin and we can be lovers till the end. Cal instantly accepted, wanting to be useful to such a powerful dominant from a high ranking family, and thus started a toxic relationship between the two. 

    After a few assassinations Nym had Cal do, he came back in a horrid mood at the end of one. Nym knew that if reyennets could cry, he would be. She questioned why he was acting this way and he replied it was simply too much for him. He wanted to leave. Nymphera was furious at the idea and clamped her fangs into his throat, almost ripping it out in the process as she forced her venom deep into him. She realized her property was at the brink of death and quickly called for a doctor, to which he was healed. She made up a story of how one of his assassination attempts had gone wrong and he had fallen into a coma for a few weeks. It wasn’t entirely wrong, the healing process had put him into a coma and his attempt at leaving her had gone wrong. 

    Cal fell into her lie easily and soon Nymphera realized the easiest wya to keep him with her was to make him forget every assassination attempt after this. She forced him to go and complete them, before immediately making him forget (although she didn’t accidentally kill him after each time). Through out this she seemed to make sly comments on how useless he was without doing his assassination attempts and how he was only useful for being by her side and giving his venom up to her. 

    This relationship lasted a few years before MURF came to their planet and kidnapped Calistan. Nymphera was furious once again. Cal was hers. She attacked those who were taking her “lover” and in the same process was caught. She as well noticed another reyennet was taking, a useless Submissive Male. 

    Nymphera now carefully follows MURFs regulations and rules in hopes she can see her dear, beautiful Calistan again. 


    Medium (3’11”)


    Strong Jaw - All reyennets have a powerful bite and often are able to lock themselves onto their victim. Although this causes issues for reyennets as they seem to have an issue on letting go of their victims, especially during fits of rage. Their bite is a little above average of a spotted hyenas bite, close to a grizzly bear. 

    Enhanced Senses - All reyennets have enhanced senses, due to needing to adapt to having no eyes. They are able to hear the faintest of sounds, feel small trembles in the ground below them, smell the faintest traces of things, and have an extraordinary capability of naming anything in a food and describing it in great detail (as well as tell if something is poisoned or foul easily)


    Thick Fur - Reyennets have extremely thick fur that needs to be brushed out every day, or every few days (depends on the reyennet) so as to not overheat. This is considered odd to the scientists as reynettes were noted to be from a tropical planet, so why would they need such thick fur? Nymphera gets regular brushings from the staff.

    Overly Sensitive Senses - Reyennets have heightened senses, which leads to them being highly sensitive. Loud noises, strong scents, vibrations, and strong foods cause them to either form migraines, have sensory overload easily, or be sick. Their enhanced hearing and taste causes large issues as auditory sensory overload is easy to happen and reyennets have a weak stomach.

    Blindness - An obvious weakness is a reyenetts blindness. While they are adapted to this lack of eyesight, there’s no way to avoid it being a disadvantage. They are unable to tell where things are and have a higher difficulty getting around unknown places. They don’t have anything like echolocation and heavily rely on sounds, vibrations from the ground, and scents to lead them around. 


    Memory-Wiping Venom - Nymphera can make any creature forget what they have done/what has happened to them from 1-24 hours prior to the bite. How many hours depends on her mood and whether or not she is healthy. If she is in a good mood and 100% healthy, her victim will forget everything from the past 24 hours. 

Project Double: 


Assigned Pet ID: 



Speed - 8/10

Agility - 3/10

Strength - 7/10

Charisma - 7/10

Stamina - 7/10

Intelligence - 7/10

Smell - 8/10

Sight - 0/10

Hearing - 8/10