Fanglyn "Fang" Starfell



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Fanglyn Starfell

Called Fang

Age 27

D.o.B. Content

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Race Star Elf

Role Rogue

Demeanor Playful Defiance

Sexuality Bisexual

Flower Midnight Tulip

Element Starlight


Designer Dreamfoxii

Owner Dreamfoxii

HTML Pinky

playful • defiant • brooding • observant

Fang carries herself with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes and a sly grin that often hints at a biting sense of humor. She has a knack for playful banter and sarcasm, using her wit to cleverly navigate social interactions. Her words are laced with a touch of bitterness, as if she has experienced disappointment or betrayal in the past.

Fang possesses a natural inclination towards thievery, a skill honed by her nimble fingers and sharp wit. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she finds a thrill in the art of acquiring the unacquirable, liberating shiny treasures from their wealthy owners. Among all the glittering treasures, it is jewelry that captivates Fang the most. She has a weakness for sparkling gems, delicate chains, and precious metals that reflect the light with a mesmerizing allure. Whether it's a diamond pendant, an emerald-encrusted ring, or a string of pearls, she delights in the weight of stolen finery resting in her palm, savoring the sensation of power and freedom that comes with possessing such precious objects.

Fang's affinity for thievery and her love of shiny objects stems from a deep-seated disdain for the rich and noble classes. She sees their opulence and extravagance as symbols of an unjust system that perpetuates inequality and leaves the less fortunate struggling to survive. To her, liberating the wealth of the rich through her thieving escapades is an act of poetic justice—a small measure of revenge against the elite who hoard their riches while others suffer.









Height 5'2"

Build Slender

Eyes violet with flecks of gold

Skin Tone pale

Hair Color silvery gradient

Hair Style ponytail

Aesthetic Rogue












Lock-picking • Fang has exceptional proficiency in lock-picking and trap disarming. She possesses an uncanny knack for unraveling even the most intricate mechanisms, bypassing security measures, and gaining access to locked areas. Her nimble fingers and keen eye for detail allow them to assess the mechanisms of locks and traps with precision. She can quickly identify the vulnerable points, hidden triggers, or complex combinations required to bypass security systems.

Acrobatics • Fang has a natural grace and physical prowess that allows her to perform breathtaking feats of athleticism and navigate challenging environments with finesse. Her exceptional balance, flexibility, and body control grant her the ability to move swiftly and smoothly, even in the most precarious situations. Whether it's navigating a crumbling ruin, leaping across rooftops, or gracefully evading enemy attacks, Fang's acrobatic prowess sets them apart.

Daggers • Fang is a force to be reckoned with in close-quarters combat. Her fast reflexes, honed by years of practice, allow her to wield dual daggers with deadly precision and incredible speed. She can execute a flurry of rapid, calculated strikes, exploiting vulnerabilities in their opponents' defenses and swiftly incapacitating enemies before they have a chance to react.



In the realm of Astralum, where the celestial magic of the stars flows through the veins of the Star Elves, there was once a rogue named Fanglyn. She possessed a nimble grace and a cunning mind, making her an exceptional member of the Star Elven society. However, her insatiable curiosity led her down a path that ultimately led to her banishment from the realm she called home.

Fanglyn's downfall began when she stumbled upon a long-lost tome, rumored to contain forbidden secrets and ancient rituals. Intrigued by the prospect of unlocking the hidden mysteries of the cosmos, she delved deep into the forbidden arts, dabbling in magic that was deemed too dangerous for mortal hands. As she continued her clandestine studies, Fang's newfound powers grew, and she became enamored with the dark side of celestial magic. She started to bend the cosmic forces to her own will, harnessing powers that were beyond her understanding.

The Star Elven High Council, entrusted with maintaining the balance between the celestial and mortal realms, caught wind of Fanglyn's dangerous practices. Appalled by her disregard for the ancient laws and the potential consequences of his actions, they convened to decide her fate. The Council, after careful deliberation, came to the decision to banish Fanglyn from Astralum. They believed that her reckless pursuit of forbidden magic posed a threat not only to herself but also to the delicate equilibrium of the realm they held sacred.

Fanglyn was stripped of her celestial birthright and cast out from Astralum, her connection to the celestial energies severed. Now an outcast, Fanglyn found herself in the mortal realm, disconnected from the celestial forces that had once empowered her. Haunted by her lost connection with the stars, Fang began her new life with a deep sense of bitterness.

As a wanderer in the mortal realm, Fanglyn seeks to find a place to call home but as of yet hasn't found anything that rivals her celestial origins.


Despite her bitter edge, Fang's playful demeanor often masks her true emotions and vulnerabilities. She uses humor and wit as a defense mechanism, shielding herself from getting too close to others or showing her more sensitive side. Her playful nature serves as both a shield and a weapon, allowing her to deflect personal questions or deflect attention away from her own struggles.

Fang's playful side often manifests in practical jokes, teasing, and witty comebacks. She enjoys pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms, often provoking reactions from those around her. This playful defiance can create a sense of unpredictability, as her bitter humor can catch people off guard or ruffle feathers.

Beneath the playful facade, there is a deeper layer of bitterness stemming from past disappointments and a sense of injustice. Fang's playful demeanor is a coping mechanism, a way to deal with the harsh realities of life and maintain a semblance of control over her own emotions.


  • Fanglyn's signature weapon is a pair of enchanted daggers called "Nightshade" and "Moonstrike." These daggers are said to be imbued with the power of the stars, enhancing Fang's attacks. She managed to steal these from her home before she was banished.
  • Fanglyn has a pet owl named Shadowwing, who acts as their loyal companion and scout. Shadowwing helps Fanglyn gather information and keep an eye out for potential dangers.
  • Despite her best efforts to resist the urge, Fang finds herself irresistibly drawn to valuable objects and shiny treasures. She cannot help but steal things.
  • Fanglyn's strikingly beautiful and unique appearance grants her the ability to seamlessly blend into high-class society and participate in various festivities. With her elegant charm and captivating allure, she effortlessly gains access to exclusive events and mingles with the elite.
  • She often retreats to secluded spots, away from prying eyes, to delve into her thoughts and plan her next move. On particularly clear nights, Fang can be found sitting wherever is closest to the stars, gazing up longingly.


Character Namerelationship
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