


3 years, 9 months ago


- Similar in personality to Napstablook. Very tame and unsure of himself, he struggles in social situations, and finds more comfort in music.
- Quite aware of his socket, as he was teased for being creepy by other monsters and children. He wishes it was normal, but there's nothing he can do about it- His default excuse is that 'It's broken code'.
- Very soft-spoken. He almost can't raise his voice at all, and tends to always get scolded for murmuring/mumbling.
- Struggles to meet other people's eyes, he prefers to look off to the side, or at the floor. It's just too stressful, and an unnecessary social evil.
- Finds it easier to sing than it is to speak.. Something about the sliding notes and ability to convey emotions through certain tones just makes it feel so much better than a monotone whisper. Anything with a sharp and exciting beat makes him feel better, so he tends to constantly play things like Trap, Dubstep, house, car, and club music on his headset.
- Nervous fidgets, he'll tap his fingers on surfaces, bounce his knees, glance around nervously, and pick chips in his arms and carpals
- Hopeless romantic with no hope to find love. He knows that his nervous nature and lack of social experience make him undesirable, but he still dreams of someone to call his own, and him their own
- Cried last night while thinking about the things he wishes he could tell you, but is too scared to

Singing voice: I love you, If the world was ending, and Listen before I go
Music: It's literally all NEFFEX. The Power Of Now, Rally The Troops