
3 years, 9 months ago


Gi is a young hybrid, magma humanoid/bone serpent, that explores the deep lava seas of the Nether. Unlike any bone serpent, she can swim in lava but she can't dig through blocks with her head. She's a very active and never tires out, she just explores and has fun with other monsters. Gi can see with both, her serpent eyes or normal eyes, but she mostly guards those, because they are sensitive to colder air. Her biggest weakness is getting dry or be without lava for too long. That's why she carries a bucket or two of lava with herself. Otherwise, she's a friendly, happy hybrid with a brave heart.

More notes from Auderien~

She is mostly trying to defend the weaker creatures in danger or help starving ones to get to their food. And she is a great gardener, thanks to the endermen! Her eyes: They look like blind. They are reddish (with orange vein thingsies) with a white/ black dot in the middle as they are very sensitive to light (Black normaly, white under da surface of lava).

On Gi's body, she has these thin lines of like a bug's shell, but they're too small to be visible and has a polished look. They're on the hips, almost all over the feet, etc. The other parts are supposed to be bone serpent part, so it's more of a dragon-like scaled stuff which functions as a shell.

hybrid×girl×magma×Gift OC×boneserpent×