


3 years, 9 months ago


Another amazing open species!

Name: Pepper

Species: Greefer

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 201 lbs

Additional Info: Weight can decrease for long periods of time as a technique for tree-jumping without breaking branches or stalking prey. She also has a very effective movement technique for breaking large falls, similar to a cat. Pepper likes to stay up in the trees, to listen to the birds and peacefulness. If she is threatened, there is a good 80% chance she will flee. But if anyone catches her in a bad mood, she won't hesitate to bring out her stealthy skills. They are almost ninja-like. Pepper has been living in the forest for so many centuries, she has gotten very used to the area. Sensing currents, objects, organisms, and emotional statuses, in order to predict what an animal will do in any situation. This also works on trees. By placing her paw firmly onto any part of a tree, she can read it's status, and sort of communicate with them. Her left antler never falls off or breaks, but the left side of her head grows a different kind of horn every year in the same color pattern as her antler. For example one year, she would grow a bull horn the same color as her antler, then the next, that one would shed and she'd grow a ram horn next. It's a cycle. For the long lasting horns, she can choose to shed them or not. It's a totally painless process that takes several days.