Lady Fantasma



3 years, 8 months ago


Link to DeviantArt

basic information
name: Lady Fantasma
gender: Mare
age: 9 years 2 months
sexuality: Homosexual
breed: American Quarter Horse x Danish Warmblood x Frisian
build: Strong, sturdy, curvy
physical details
height: 16.1 hh
coloration: Palomino Overo
genetics: ee/Aa/nCr/nO
markings: Overo, white bald face
mane: Cream
tail: Cream
hooves: Ivory
Left: Blue
Right: Milky White (blind)
scars None
physical health: Blind in right eye
personality depths
traits: She is wary of strangers because of what happened to her grandmother, Rasa, and absolutely hates males. The only male she loves is her brother, Heartless One. Fan is a lesbian. However, do not be fooled because she is also kind of a tough girl, always trying to be strong for her brother and doesn't show emotions very well. If she was a human, she would be a tomboy. Fantasma also has a short attention span, and tends to be easily distracted.
mental health: Short attention span

history: She is born three weeks premature and her right eye is completely blind. With the right care she would be fine. She has a little brother who she loves as well, and ever since her mother left after her father died she has felt like she needs to protect him with her life. She felt strange after that, feeling emotions she had never felt before. It was not long before she found out what this meant for her - she was gay, and only liked other girls. She was raped by a stallion, Forty Six & Two, and gave birth to a little girl, Dragula. When her brother brought home an abused mare, Lily, and instantly felt protective of the mare. After all, a friend of her brother's was a friend of her own.
family bonds
Foxglove: Dark Dun Overo - Ee/Aa/Dd/nO
Desoto: Black
Aphrodite (half sister Foxglove x Spike)
Desoto (half brother Foxglove x Sundry Legend)
Dessa (sister Foxglove x Desoto)
Heartless One (brother Foxglove x Desoto)
Mohawk (half brother Foxglove x Sundry Legend)
Parzival (half brother Foxglove x Spike)
extended family:
Archangel (aunt Rasa x Antichrist)
Dravos (grandfather)
Hayyel (aunt Rasa x Lateralus)
Leifr (Lily x Heartless One)
Leviathan (uncle Rasa x Psychosocial)
Rasa (grandmother)
Velvet Massacre (aunt Rasa x Antichrist)
Dragula (daughter, x Forty Six & Two)
social ties
herd: Dark Woods
rank: Caretaker

mate: None
Dragula: Her firstborn, a daughter from the assault she suffered from Forty Six & Two. She loves her dearly and is fiercely protective of her.
Forty Six & Two: Her rapist, who she obviously hates, more so than even her hatred toward her mother. She wishes she could have been the one to kill him.
Foxglove: Her mother, who she hates with a passion.
Heartless One: Her younger brother and pretty much the only stallion she tolerates. She adores him, but also tends to treat him with more "tough love" than anything else.
Lily: The mare her brother befriended and brought to their then-home in Ever Clear. She is very protective of Lily and surprisingly treats her very gently.
Rasa: Her grandmother, Lady of Utopia. Fan was skeptical of her at first but has grown to be quite close with her.

stolen by: None

steals made: None

battles won: None

battles lost: None
additional information
actions: FFF0F5
voice: 000000
muse: Medium
playlist: None
pictures: None