


7 years, 4 months ago



sapphire.gifMakomo - She/Hersapphire.gif

Makomo was once eleven nobility, who led a pretty normal life for a noble. She was well-mannered and kept to herself until she visited a sorcerer and noticed a pretty jade chalice. Without thinking she took it, and the outraged sorcerer punished her by turning her into the very beast depicted on the chalice- a manticore.

Feeling a whirl of emotions after being cursed, Makomo became a nightmare to deal with. She would have fits of feral rage due to the curse, which led her to destroy any portraits of her old self with her razor-sharp claws. She became loud and rowdy, while also demanding to still be treated like a princess. Her family got sick of her, so when a neighboring kingdom needed protection for a shrine, they shipped Makomo off to them. Since then, Makomo has adjusted to being a manticore, even taking a liking to it. Her anger still remains, but it is now targeted toward those who abandoned her.

Makomo in general is very boisterous and loves causing any sort of chaotic trouble. She's loud, rude, and playful, but deep down she's just a big ole softie and tends to show that side to anyone who visits her more than once. Many people in the kingdom don't see that side of her and just know her as an evil menace and a nuisance.

Makomo doesn't care what others think of her as long as they stick by her. She has a bit of a self-esteem issue, perceiving herself as bad or monstrous when she's just trying her best. Her new job guarding the shrine has led her to meet Sefei, who she was hesitant about at first, but grows rather fond of. Makomo loves Sefei to the moon and back, and Sefei loves her too. The two get into trouble often and just generally love messing around together.

Other Info:

  •  As a manticore she wears a mask. It's weirdly flexible and allows her to emote. If her mask were to ever break or be taken off, she would lose her sapiency and be stuck as a feral manticore forever.
  •  She is both bipedal and quadripedal! Makomo prefers to be bipedal (out of habit) but runs faster on all fours.
  • Makomo is capable of flying but is really bad at it.