Kuro Akahoshi



3 years, 9 months ago


Name:  Akahoshi Kuro

Birthdate: November 13th

Gender: Male

Clan: Akahoshi



Japanese seiyuu: Shinichiro Miki

English Seiyuu: Andrew Love

Nature Type: Fire (Black Fire)

Blood Type: AB


              -Kiyomi Fujita (love interest)

               - unnamed partner 

Age: 18

Status: Alive

Height: 6 feet 4 inches 

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Greyish blue 


Classification: Missing nin - hitman

Place of residence: Unknown 

Place of birth: Land of Iron

Rank: Unknown 

Team: /

Weapons: Scythe (Asakichi made it for him)

Strengths: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu

Weaknesses: Taijutsu

Ability Parameters

NIN: 5/5

TAI: 2/5 

GEN: 4/5

KEN(intelligence): 5/5

RIKI(power): 4/5 

SOKU(speed): 3/5 

SEI(chakra): 3/5

IN(finger sign): 4/5

Total: 32/40




- Blood

-dark skies


- Stupid people 

- People that don’t know their place 

-Being crossed


Kuro lived with both his parents, along with his older sister. He was a bit hyper and energetic boy for his age, to an abnormal degree according to the others. Even so, his parents shunned him. They didn’t want a boy, but couldn’t bring themselves to abort him. Besides, his sister wanted to be the only child anyways. He even “acted like a girl” according to them. 

It hurt him and he had no one else to run to. They told him the rest of the clan didn’t love him either and they only pitied him. Anything he did was criticized and it was constant verbal abuse. Eventually, it all became too much and he ended up running away one day. While he was running, he ended up tripping and falling unconscious in the snow. A mafia boss, woman at that, Asakichi was aware and took him in. When he was awake, she told him that he could work for her, but he could also have a place to live and a family to call his. He was suspicious and it took a while to trust her and the rest of the mafia. But eventually, he softened up to them, Asakichi the most. 

Kuro had to do despicable things, look up to despicable people to survive. He grew to be ruthless and cold, “doing what he gotta do”. His skills made him into a wonderful hitman...


Not the most friendly kind of guy. Has a tendency to be just a straight up asshole at times. That said, he takes shit from no one, and will take charge. No one runs anything over him. 

He tends to keep emotions to himself, it’s never anything personal with him. It’s strictly business with him. If asked, he’d usually ignore the question or say “no comment”. He’s a bit hard to get..

Kuro also seems to have intense anger issues and is prone to violence, along with impulsiveness. More of the “kill first, ask later” kind of guy. Thanks to this, he’s always using his fire

Additional information:

There was a time he had to target a girl named Kiyomi. It was a fight, but in the end, he ended up torturing her anx ended up nearly killing her, but stopped when someone showed up. It was so severe that she had a burn scar.

Him and his buddy had to be admitted into the hospital a week later, into the same hospital Kiyomi was in. No, she didn't kill him in his sleep-

After seeing what kind of person she was, he was rather..intrigued by the kind of person she was and started to hang around a bit. However, he started to play too much and fell in love..but how can you love someone you tried to kill?


  • His favorite foods are spicy ramen, mentaiko, and tantanmen. His favorite drink is tea. 
  • Has a bunch of scars on his body, but they’re all covered.