RC-1393 "Neo"



3 years, 8 months ago


a commando who never had a chance.

neo was used as a living information courier from kamino to palpatine before the clone wars even began.
being a living being with very little to no training in resisting the force, he was liable to lose information if a jedi were to get ahold of him.
to combat this, palpatine ordered for neo's tongue to be cut and his vocal cords severed. his lips were stitched after, and mouth enclosed in beskar rings so they can't be removed. no chances.
everything palpatine would extract from him would be via the force only, being able to sift around in his brain to receive the messages.
once the clone wars began, palpatine had no more use for neo. instead of letting him be cast aside, jango fett took him under his wing and gave him a place in unit epsilon.

neo became the last member to join unit epsilon, completing the squad.