Flaum Milner



3 years, 9 months ago
G1 A4


Flaum Milner


He/him Homosexual Human



Human (Posessed)






5'5 (Naturally 5'3)



Season 1 (2016 and prior)


Main character in a story called "The Red" which would set up the mechanics behind characters like Flick.



  • Resilient
  • Curious
  • Adaptive


  • Tormented
  • Isolated
  • Unpredictable


Introverted Intuitive
Feeling Prospecting


A4 H4 G1 L1 X4 T1 W2 O4 P1 P3 P6 P7 P8 P12 P26 P30 M8


The bullet points of Flaum Milner's story

  • 20-year-old human-born fellow with a deceased demon in his head and a partial demon soul.
  • Pretty short, same height as Flick! Do demons just really like possessing short people?
  • Lives in a small town called Mosley. Population of ~4200 very religious folks.
  • Grew up very religious, the type that had bible study every week, sometimes twice a week.
  • Feared magic of all kinds (amusingly including Pokemon - Yeah, that kind of religious)
  • I intended to just summarize but started to get to the interesting parts so no more bullet points needed! Gonna vomit info now! :D

When he was 18, a pair of demons visited the town. They were not hidden; they terrified everyone by just being there. This was Morloch and Vulture (a weird couple at the time - didn't really CARE about each other, they just kinda did everything together, introduced each other as a friend or colleague. "The demons infiltrating our bible-thumping town are gay??? That won't fly here!"

Morloch and Vulture spent a month tormenting the town. At the time, Morloch specialized in opening portals to allow demons to possess human beings. He loved the process, finding it interesting to see someone change into a different person inside, watching the human body trying to deal with containing the magic of a demon - not typically something people can do.

Near the end of his time there, Morloch and Vulture "broke up," and Vulture left without him. Morloch had decided to get in one last possession and found Flaum cowering in the basement of an abandoned church, praying frantically. The demon, completely unaffected by the religious building and the prayers, walked right up to Flaum and attacked. Opening the portal to bring a demon into someone's head is a bit...violent, let's say. Morloch has to semi-possess them himself, a branch of dark demonic magic shooting into the victim's skull, effectively dragging a demon into their head like threading a needle. This time, however, something went wrong. Maybe it was something about the demon or Flaum, but the moment it possessed Flaum, Morloch could see there was a major issue. There was panic, and screaming, it sounded like someone was being murdered, with deep booming and inhuman roars erupting from little ol' Flaum, interrupting his screams. Morloch was shocked and worried it was his fault...so he ran away to avoid possibly getting yelled at once the demon in Flaum gained control. Which never happened.

During a normal possession, a demon's soul is implanted alongside the human's, which will slowly disintegrate over time as it stays close to a demon soul (Theyre very fragile don't ya know) But the demon's soul was suddenly disintegrating much more rapidly than Flaum's, as if it were burning up. There's no easy answer to why this happened outside of "freak occurrence." The demon died, but it died spirit first. (Not a nice way to go - RIP them.) As the demon's soul got smaller, it became easier for Flaum to fight the possession, as the demon grew weaker. Until finally, the 3/4ths of the human's soul left just...fused together with the remainder of the demon's. This definitely happens more often than the initial issue, but it's still pretty damn uncommon. Flaum collapsed to the ground, feeling as though his internal organs were on fire, but only consciously for a few moments before he passed out. When Flaum woke up again, he was still in pain, it was hard not to fall to pieces screaming again, but he slowly pulled himself together and dragged himself home. By this time, Morloch had also vacated the town, leaving nothing but destruction and humans behind...and one partial demon...

Flaum spent the next week and a half writhing in agony as he tried desperately to snuff out what felt like an actual, literal fire inside of him. He was given all sorts of painkillers, and yet it did nothing but knock him out for a bit. It only finally ceased after that week and a half when the remaining bits of the demon's soul that had become a part of his own had spread. Sure, the souls had fused together, but they were still killing each other. This time, it seemed the stability of Flaum's soul had helped the rest of the demon's survive and start absorbing Flaum's soul again. It was helping itself be destroyed. This is what is currently troubling Flaum. The more it absorbed the human soul, the more demonic Flaum became. This, however, would not change the fact that he was still physically human. It was still like a demon possessing a human body.

As time went on, things slowly got easier to deal with. He no longer felt like he was dying, although he still felt...off. Flaum spent the next year feeling as though he was going crazy. I'm telling you, demons in Core may be cuddly but they're still not something to fuck around with. He constantly felt like someone was watching him, like someone was right behind him, and every once in a while he felt something just barely brush the back of his hair. His skin burned hot all the time, he needed a fan constantly and every time someone touched him they shouted "Oh good heavens you're burning up, do you have a fever?" At the peak of this issue, he even set a paper on fire just by touching it, something he never connected to the demon thing. A human getting used to feeling like a demon, it's just destructive. Maybe if Flaum had actually understood what was happening to him, it could've made it easier to cope with, but he hadn't yet connected his strange "illness" to the demon attack, figuring that ended after the fires inside of him stopped hurting.
The demon soul does not take over very quickly at all, it is still very weak after all. If it started at 1/4th demonic, today it's at around 1/2 demonic. What happens as this progresses? Flaum has noticed many changes, something Morloch amusingly refers to as "his demon puberty." Flaum woke up one morning to find his hair had suddenly turned stark white, then another morning he had fangs. Yet another morning, more recently, his eyes are pure red and even glow in the dark (which is actually a pain in the ass, he can't see very well in the dark thanks to the glowies!), and finally little lumps have appeared in his hair - the beginnings of horns (which he finds gross)! Its terrifying to the young man, but its manageable. What ISNT, however, is the supernatural power that randomly crops up to ruin his day.

At the moment, they are completely uncontrolled and sporadic, brief little chunks of magic just shooting off of Flaum every day like radiation. The powers that the demon who possessed Flaum had are...

As time goes on, Flaum becomes more and more of a demon. Eventually, if he allows it to, Flaum will eventually just assume the power and (partially) the appearance of the demon who possessed him. If Flaum doesn't start working on getting his power under control, he could be an accidental force to be reckoned with, an uncontrollable ball of chaos as the magic reaches its hands into the world around him and rips it apart while he watches helplessly as everything crumble at his own hands. Being such a kindhearted human being with such immense power but absolutely no control over it wouldn't be good for poor ol' Flaum!

Additionally, humans...usually can't physically contain the magic a demon can. It's one of the major differences in their physical form, even a demon that looks pretty human can use magic a human just cannot. We already saw a very light effect on Flaum in the beginning of his transformation with the fires burning inside of him, the result of demonic magic taking a slight toll on his body. Every so often, he pukes up a black sludge that smells of burning flames, another result of the magic just slowly tearing him apart inside. It's really bad for ya! The number of humans strong enough to safely use demon magic is very small, and they have specifically trained themselves to do so, but Flaum has done nothing to prepare and has way more power than those humans did when they were training. Taking that into account - it's kind of impressive he's still functional! If someone like Ez Doz (bad example I canned him) saw him, he'd probably be a bit miffed that squishy ol' Flaum is handling it better and sooner than someone as physically capable as Ez would have. He could certainly train up the ability to withstand the power, which is another thing he would HAVE to do as they attach to him. If another demon saw him and didn't know better, they'd assume he was just a completely incompetent demon and probably laugh at him like "dude whats wrong, just stop floating!"

Flaum, who knows nothing of the world of magic, has no idea what is in store for him. His religious background has him too scared to research whats happening, let alone go out and speak to a magic user, something he thought was entirely evil and sinful just before this all started! He's at the beginning stages of his journey, he has a long way to go if he's going to survive.




  • His clothing can vary, he has no set design. Outside of his demonic issues, he is a normal guy and as such will wear pretty normal clothes.
  • Flaum's hair is incredibly plush and fluffy.
  • His fangs are new and a result of the demonic possession.
  • His eyes are a solid red.
  • Flaum was 5'3 prior to possession, but has noticed himself getting a little taller.