


3 years, 9 months ago



"*Dead Noises*"

Lunal Is a zombie-like plant based humanoid who spends most of his time laying dormant in forest disguising himself as a patch of odd plants and flowers. He is highly toxic and will attack if he feels threatened. He likes to spend as much time as he can away from large points of civilization as he is afraid of being hunted. If he is found and has reason to believe people are looking for him he will travel to a different forest or simply just a different part if the forest is big enough. In the case he does have a friendly interaction with someone he is fairly calm. He doesn't remember much from before he died but what he does remember is just from what he feels is familiar in a sorta deja vu moment. Since he doesn't fully understand what has happened he doesn't have any big leads to follow to learn more about himself. But he does wander looking for stuff he might find on people that could jog his memory. He has amassed quite the collection of items in places he settles down in creating a stash until he has to flee. Many stories people have herd about him or the view most people have on him is that he is a hostile creature who takes items from travelers and adventures he kills as trophies. Many people describe him has having a large flower blooming on the top of his head with sickly purple hair poking out from under it and sage green skin with visible purple veins peering from underneath wrapping around his arms legs and face looking a lot like vines. His face is described as hollow and dead most of the time seeming as if he has a dreadful shadow cast upon him. He wears tattered common clothes with elements replaced with plants and decorated with flowers. 

  • RACE Corpse Bloom
  • AGE 135