Courage Lastname



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


The Chaotic Abomination




Agender (They/Them)

Sexual Orientation








Body Shape

Unhealthily skinny

Voice Claim



Bio- When Courage, and their brother Will were born, it was obvious something wasn’t right from the start. The two really didn’t experience many emotions. They never cried, they seemed to pick up on concepts and things very quickly, and they would only ever do pretty much anything if they were with each other. As they started to develop mentally, they started to act differently. They started hurting other people and animals, and even started to kill some animals as well. Despite this behavior being very worrying, it was never taken seriously. They’re behavior only started to get worse and worse over time. This all came to a head when they were 13. Just for the fun of it, they decided to burn down their school. While school was in session. They planned everything out to cause the most chaos and destruction. They managed to blockade most of the exits and entrances so people couldn’t get out easily. They set the place ablaze, and even when 911 was called, the cops fire trucks, and ambulances had trouble there due to a really bad road blockage that, somehow, Will and Courage managed to cause beforehand. This ended up being the single deadliest school fire in history, and they just thought it was hilarious. They didn’t do a great job hiding their tracks though, and authorities figured out they were the culprits pretty easily. So Will and Courage went on the run. They started living on the streets, going place to place causing havoc and committing even more crimes. If it’s a crime, then chances are, they most likely committed it. Though, they ended up being found. Courage managed to get captured and put in a mental institution to be heavily monitored. Their brother, however, managed to escape into a cave. However, the cave started to fill up with water and Will didn’t know how to swim. Barack Obama himself had found Will, but instead of helping, he watched him perish. This cause Courage to become obsessed with the president, and they managed to escape years later in order to try and stalk him again. They are currently on the loose and are a wanted war criminal. If you have any leads to Courage’s whereabouts, please contact the FBI immediately.

Personality - Courage is an erratic, insane, hyperactive stain on society. They are always in a happy mood and seem to never experience any other sort of emotion. This tends to really fit their more chaotic and high energy personality as it makes them feel like they’re pretty much just a kid. They even talk like one, speaking in ‘UwU’ whenever they talk. It’s unknown whether they just have a speech impediment or if they do this on purpose. But what is known is that they are an immature mess. Courage is a complete and utter psychopath, causing nothing but destruction in their path. They’re a huge trouble maker that always finds themself getting into trouble. A lot of this trouble consists of many war crimes that they are constantly on the run for. Courage is always the brains behind the operation, and they are incredibly sadistic, finding great pleasure in causing pain and destruction. That’s really why they commit the crimes that they do, they just find it fun. Courage constantly loses their focus in things rather quickly though. They can’t be doing an action for a long period of time in a row without losing their focus. They have an unhealthy obsession with former president Barack Obama. Obama, or as they call him Mistor Obwama UwU, is always on their mind, and they are always on the hunt for him. 

Likes - Barack Obama; anarchy; french fries; wet socks; tax fraud

Dislikes - water; drowning; capitalism; psych wards; cops