


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


ask me. He's not friendly, he's extremely anti-social and dominant, coming across as a bully.


£242 | $330




Owner: Dragonpuddle                              Species: Granthrax
Name: Hyperion (Peri - see below)                                  Clan: Ama Pack
Age: 21 years
Birthdate: May 30th, 2019
Upload Date: August 30th, 2020
Sexuality: straight
Gender: male
Status: single
Parents: adopt
Cubs: Zelda (adopted), Tethyx
Personality: It takes a while to get to know Hyperion and he does not give his trust to just anyone. Peri can be spontaneous and imaginative, enjoying wandering to his hearts content and will talk to himself - he has many imaginary friends. But woe betide anyone who disparages the crazy coot and his 'fake' friends, for Peri will rip the offender apart for the slightest provocation. Despite that, Peri is understanding of true mistakes, he enjoys planning ahead; both following that plan and going off the beaten path when something new and interesting comes along. He also can easily take life as it comes, adjusting said plans in the blink of an eye. Peri tends to be aggressive and dominating to strangers, rather anti-social and cranky until one gets to know him, but he does enjoy company - within reason. He's not very tolerant of cubs and would not like teaching someone - unless its teaching them a lesson in why one doesn't annoy a Granthrax.  That said, Peri has his moments and once his trust his given, his dedication towards that friendship is one of his major goals. If someone he deems a friend needs his help, Hyperion will be there, through fog, snow and earthquake. If Peri doesn't like you, however, he's rather callous, cranky and course, more than willing to give a clawed thwack upside the head than a helping paw.

History: Hyperion left home at an early age, disliking his siblings and family as a whole and decided to make his own way in the world. He didn't care for any of the females of his home pride - perhaps they knew him too well, but he kept them at paw's length. He enjoyed exploring the world around him and has traveled for many years across the breadth of the world. Those he meets, he either growls at to get away or watches from a distance. Thus far, no one has gotten to know Hyperion and for the most part, that's the way he likes it, though he generally doesn't admit to himself even he gets lonely at times.

Random facts:
--- He only allows those he knows and trusts to shorten his name.
--- He has a pet ferret named Dinner. No one touches his Dinner.

Stats: STR – 9 | RES – 8 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 8
Traits: Ears: L | Tails: C | Fangs: L | Size: L | Eyes: L | Horns: UC
Mutation: Forked Tongue                                                         Special Coat: n/a

Original Value: £155 ($198)
+ £20 (personal art)
+ £20 (icon by Naybear)
+ 0 (headshot by Kaibutsu)
+ £29/$40 (baby art by Naybear)
+ £2.17/$3 (icon by Tangle)
+ £?/$5 (ugly sticker by Armanie)
+ £10 (personal art-headshot)
+ £?/$2 (phat bean)

Current Total = £242 | $330