Thyra Iphigenia Mateus



3 years, 9 months ago


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Blue Lions


Thyra Iphigenia Mateus

Charismatic Luminary

CV: Kira Buckland

Thyra is the fun-loving heir to Mateus County who can be silly and often flirtatious. She’s easygoing with others, but works hard behind the scenes.

  • PRONOUNS She/her/hers
  • GENDER Cisgender female
  • BIRTHDAY 18th of the Lone Moon (3/18), IY 1160
  • AGE 19-20, 24-25
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • HEIGHT 152 cm./5'0"
  • WEIGHT 59 kg./130 lb.
  • CREST Minor Crest of Aulis
  • FAVORITE TEA Crescent-Moon, Bergamot
  • LIKES Animals, training, scary stories
  • DISLIKES Dishonesty, commitment, bugs
  • INTERESTS Cooking, gardening, weapons


Heir apparent to the County of Mateus (located just south of the Viscounty of Kleiman, formerly known as Duscur), Thyra carries a dignified air about her. Yet only a short conversation is enough to make it clear social class and servitude aren't the only things on her mind. As much as she will follow Faerghus traditions to the bitter end, she's going to have fun while she does it.

Those who know the faces of their lords and ladies well may recognize Thyra looks nothing like Count Mateus or his wife, or even any of their more distant relatives. Indeed, when asked she openly admits she was adopted years ago - but seeing as they are well beyond childbearing years and she has studied her fair share of leadership and politics, there is no need to question legitimacy of inheritance here.

Recommended class progression: Noble → Soldier → Cavalier → Paladin → Dark Knight


On the surface, Thyra is an outgoing, confident student who can be silly and often flirtatious. She’s easygoing with others; she doesn’t like mincing words but understands when and how to convey information gently. She always works hard to meet expectations - it’s not as natural as she pretends it is. She takes criticism to heart, perhaps a bit too harshly. Secretly, she fears having no worth to anyone beyond being a warm body or a Crest.


At 152cm (5’0”), she is small, though particularly muscular. Relatively pear-shaped - but, again, muscular. She has high cheekbones, but her chubby cheeks and short stature (even with her excellent posture) generally cause others to mistake her for about sixteen. Thick, dark tresses of hair fall just below her shoulders, though it is usually pulled up in a sideways ponytail. Pink eyes. There are two small, nigh invisible patches hidden by her bangs on the right side of her forehead that push her hairline back a bit. Only the right half of her face freckles when she spends too much time in the sun. She wears the standard Officers’ Academy uniform without the jacket, although she ripped the tassels off her skirt, and replaced the socks with dark blue thigh-highs. Her sleeves are rolled just above her elbows, j crew style.


  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.


  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.



  • HP: 25/80/50

  • STR: 08/60/45

  • MAG: 05/50/35

  • DEX: 07/60/30

  • SPD: 07/60/35

  • LUK: 05/45/20

  • DEF: 06/50/40

  • RES: 04/40/30

  • CHA: 08/60/45


  • SWORD: E

  • LANCE: D professor-up.png

  • AXE: E professor-down.png

  • BOW: E professor-down.png

  • BRAWL: E

  • REASON: E professor-up.png

  • FAITH: E

  • AUTHORITY: E+ professor-up.png

  • ARMOR: E professor-down.png

  • RIDING: E+ professor-stars-45x45.png



  • D: Blizzard, Heal

  • D+: N/A, Nosferatu

  • C: Bolganone, N/A

  • C+: N/A, N/A

  • B: Cutting Gale, Seraphim

  • B+: N/A, N/A

  • A: Fimbulvetr, N/A

  • A+: N/A, N/A


Thyra was born Tuyaa to a noble Albinean couple in IY 1160. Their names are lost to history, at least as far as she is aware. In late 1164, the western rebellions and general sentiment of the Anti-establishment Party of Albinea (APA) began spreading to central Albinea. As a precaution, her parents sent her on a ship to their longtime friend, Count Kolbrun Mateus, in Faerghus. As she arrived, she began showing symptoms of the plague. She was at death’s door when, all of a sudden, she was fine - weak, but fine. After some testing, the Mateuses realized she possessed the supposedly-lost Minor Crest of Aulis.

At some point in her lineage, there was an Albinean born in Fodlan during the War of Heroes. They grew up to become a soldier fighting for Seiros. In IY 78, while on the brink of death after taking a blow for a Nabatean, the Nabatean decided to share their blood. Afterward, the Crest was recorded in a handful of listings, but was effectively lost when the soldier left for their parents’ homeland to inter their bodies and did not return. Several of Thyra’s ancestors also held the Crest, but due to Albinea lacking knowledge on Crests, they were entirely unaware of it.

In 1168, the Albinean Civil War took the lives of her biological parents. The next year, Count Mateus, whose wife was barren, officially adopted the orphan and renamed her Thyra Iphigenia. To be honest, Thyra doesn’t remember enough of Albinea to feel a strong connection to it, but does remember it and wishes to return someday, though perhaps as a tourist.

The Mateus family has raised her well, but there was always a noticeable lack of warmth between family members. She is about as close to her mother as she is the court jester. Aside from some stilted formal gatherings, she rarely had opportunities to befriend other nobles, and often had little interest in doing so. As such, her best friends growing up were the children of local commoners. However, as time went on and they better understood her rank with regard to theirs, they grew distant and started excluding her from social events. She quickly learned court decorum and proper etiquette to mask her loneliness, which more often than not drove away other nobles her age.

In 1176, the Tragedy of Duscur struck. Count Mateus hesitated to stop anyone despite not wanting to hold an entire country and its people responsible without a fair trial. Orders quickly came from the Church to dispose of traitors, though, and soon he began to speak against Duscur. Thyra disapproved of his inaction and betrayal of his initial beliefs, especially because they had taken many perfectly-peaceful trips to Duscur previously. However, she believed the church’s story and ultimately could not do more investigation into the matter herself.

Beginning in early 1177, Thyra was engaged to Lord Kvalheim, a minor but extremely wealthy noble within the county who was planning on seceding from Mateus. They spent a great deal of time together, and she grew to trust him dearly over the months. One day, during a surprise visit, she found him in bed with a chambermaid. He and his servants gaslit her about this confrontation, continuously telling her that his extramarital relations were all her fault, or that they simply weren’t happening. She was afraid of bringing it up to her father for nearly a year as the relationship continued to deteriorate. Finally, four months before the wedding, another maid corroborated her story and they brought it forward to her father. For this affront, as well as issues with embezzlement, Mateus took his head. And Thyra closed off her heart, adopting a friendlier, sillier front.

In 1180, after debating it for years, she enrolled at Garreg Mach Monastery like any good noble. She supposes her future spouse will likely have some connection here, but she plans to have her fun while she still can.

  • Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
    • “The prince, eh? Wonder if he’s got a queen in mind. … Don’t give me that look. It was a joke; I can’t handle that kind of responsibility.”
    • Thyra holds a great amount of respect toward Dimitri as the crown prince, of course, but he's also strong, charismatic, and smart. As long as he keeps working hard, she's certain they're all in good hands.
    • Although, she is curious what he thinks about the Duscur Tragedy...
  • Dedue Molinaro
    • “I mean, a guy who hangs out in the greenhouse all the time has to have a soft spot, yeah?”
    • She probably won't say it aloud, but Dedue has the kindest eyes she has ever seen and the biggest biceps. She's likely to seek him out to help with cooking experiments and greenhouse advice and also maybe to help her carry stuff around sometimes.
  • Sylvain Jose Gautier
    • “Oh, right, we kissed the same maid at that one lordling’s birthday ball. What was her name…?"
    • Both incorrigible flirts, she's certainly interested in swapping stories with him... and maybe other things.
    • Like class notes. Yep.
  • Mercedes von Martritz
    • “An absolute sweetheart. Pure of soul and mind; a blessing to this world - none could be so kind, not as she with hair of barley-curled.”
    • Thyra adores the honesty and kindness that come from Mercedes. She could probably wax poetic about her for days, and not just in a flirtatious way. But also definitely in a flirtatious way.
  • Annette Fantine Dominic
    • “She’s really nice! She seems a little insecure; she she gets top marks all the time but worries so much. Maybe I should ask her to help me with magic sometime…”
    • Thyra thinks Annette is the most precious human alive, bright and excitable and overall a delight to be around.
    • She's a little worried that Annette won't quite rise to the needs of House Dominic... but at the same time, she's pretty young and extremely smart. Surely she'll rise to the challenge.
  • Felix Hugo Fraldarius
    • “I see him whaling on training dummies all the time. Is he, like, okay?”
    • Felix... worries her, a bit. She's taken note of how he treats those who are supposed to be his childhood friends.
    • But he doesn't seem to be as rude to others, so maybe something happened. People are allowed to grow and move on, after all.
  • Ingrid Brandl Galatea
    • “I hear she can be tiresome when it comes to training, but she usually seems fun and approachable. And anyway, studies are important, so I get it.”
    • She respects Ingrid's strength and diligence. Maybe, in another world, they would be quite similar.
    • The way she eats that much is also... kind of cute, if intimidating.
  • Ashe Ubert
    • “He's such a sweetheart. I would be a terrible influence on him.”
    • Thyra would love to be friends with Ashe. She'll probably have a little giggle over his love of knight tales, but she'll probably pick some back up once he sees how passionate he is about them.
  • Edelgard von Hresvelg
    • “She’s pretty and confident, from what I know. Although, I’m… a little scared to approach her, on account of her retainer.”
    • Short people unite.
    • She'll probably flirt with Edelgard - then immediately apologize.
  • Hubert von Vestra
    • “He's... kind of scary, honestly. Buuut if you buy me a new lance, I'll go compliment him.”
    • Thyra is likely to unconsciously avoid Hubert for the most part, and it'll probably also go the other way around given she isn't an Eagle.
    • Still, they may be able to bond over some things, like an interest in intelligence or a dislike of nostalgia.
  • Ferdinand von Aegir
    • “So loud... it's about as funny as it is annoying, though, so I suppose I can forgive him.”
    • She's a little suspicious of the way he's so proud of being nobility. Though when she learns more about his take, she'll easily warm right up.
    • They share a love of horseback riding and tea, among other things.
  • Linhardt von Hevring
    • “I heard he skips class to nap, because he stays up late studying things he likes. He has the right idea.”
    • She may approach him to ask for more information on her crest.
    • Although they will have to meet purely by chance, given neither is likely to seek the other out, they will easily become good friends.
  • Caspar von Bergliez
    • “Eheh, he's a funny little guy. I'd love to train with him sometime.”
    • She has absolutely seen him using someone's (very nice) tube top as a rag. How unfortunate.
    • How is he so small if he eats so much.
  • Bernadetta von Varley
    • “So shy! ... but also, so cute. I wonder if some nice food would lure her out of her room...”
    • Thyra is likely to develop a keen interest in Bernadetta and things she likes, bringing gifts of snacks and various items to see what will let her have a peek at the anxious girl.
    • While she doesn't know much about sewing, she'd love to learn. Maybe after some chocolate cake...?
  • Petra MacNeary
    • “I love her hair. She is so smart and polite - really goes to show how stupid stereotypes are, huh?”
    • She'd love to go on an outdoor exploration or hunting with Petra. She's also happy to help with studying!
  • Dorothea Arnault
    • “A voice of honey and eyes of emeralds. What else can I say?”
    • Thyra will unabashedly flirt with Dorothea to start a friendship.
    • Of course, both girls easily prove they are much more than flirtations and shallow friendships, so with time they'll likely trust the other to watch their back.
  • Claude von Riegan
    • “Slippery as a fish. … The rumors? Well, even if he is adopted, so what? If he’s a good leader, he’s a good leader. That’s that.”
    • She thinks Claude is fun and interesting - on top of likely making a useful ally in the future.
    • He might find her origins intriguing as well, if he looks into noble records a little bit more.
  • Hilda Valentine Goneril
    • “What a cutie! Honestly, when you look like that, you really can get away with anything.”
    • She'd love to become friends with Hilda; she's probably one of the psychologically strangest people she has ever had the pleasure of meeting.
    • They could also easily bond over fashion and accessories.
  • Lorenz Hellmann Gloucester
    • “He is very... posh. I suppose it makes sense, given House Gloucester's reputation.”
    • Thyra is honestly pretty desensitized to his behavior, given the way many nobles are, and would happily befriend him.
    • Although he is likely to think she is ignoble or quickly identify her as a bad marriage candidate, surely they can find common ground.
  • Raphael Kirsten
    • “He and Ingrid would get along, I think. Lots of food and training...”
    • There's a good chance she'll make a little too much food at some point and offer some to him.
    • But otherwise, she's not too likely to approach him first.
  • Ignatz Victor
    • “Kind of seems like a standard good student. I would feel bad coming onto him... but I also want to tease him.”
    • She'll tease and flirt like she does with everyone, but once she learns some more she'll gladly hold genuine conversations about art with him.
    • She'll also 100% humor his ideas on what the Goddess might look like.
  • Marianne von Edmund
    • “So shy and so pretty. I want to cup her face and tell her things will be okay.”
    • Thyra will hang around Marianne even more after hearing about being "cursed."
    • Seriously, nothing deters this fool.
  • Lysithea von Ordelia
    • “I heard she's a prodigy, but also a bit rude. Do you think she would make a good teacher?”
    • Thyra is likely to approach Lysithea first to ask for help with magic practice.
    • And the minute she finds out about her soft spot for sweets, she'll be happy to bake for her!
  • Leonie Pinelli
    • “She worked hard to get here, from what I know. It would likely be unwise for me to mess with her...”
    • Thyra has a lot of respect for Leonie based on what she's heard. For both their sakes, it would be best to steer clear.
    • but also girl loving brain go brr
  • Yuri Leclerc
    • "I would kiss him, but I strongly believe I would be dead by sundown."
    • Yuri intimidates Thyra, but she figures it makes sense given the whole secrecy of Abyss.
    • She respects him greatly for what he does for others.
  • Constance von Nuvelle
    • "Haughty one minute and self-effacing the next. I think the haughty suits her better; she has the firepower to back it up, after all."
    • She would love to get some fashion ideas and magic tips from Constance.
    • Maybe in return, Thyra can try to design some more effective way to block out the sun.
  • Balthus von Albrecht
    • "Ah, a graduate of the Academy who came back to learn more. I would love to hear about his experiences..."
    • Getting entangled with him would be horrible from an objective perspective. But big man strong :)
    • As she learns more, though, she'll come to respect him a great deal.
  • Hapi
    • "Always looks so bored and tired, but always has something funny to say. I like her."
    • Thyra is immensely curious about what in Hapi's past has shaped her to be the way she is.
    • Perhaps they can discuss it over a cup of tea?
  • Byleth
    • "Ah, the professor! Serious yet so engaging in their lectures. It is wonderful to have them with us."
    • She was doubtful at first given their youth and apparent inexperience compared to the rest of the staff.
    • However, whether they are her homeroom teacher or not, she has come to greatly respect them and looks forward to their lessons.
  • Seteth
    • "Well, he certainly is the Archbishop's advisor. He could always advise this- I mean, what?"
    • Thyra may make jokes about thirsting over him, but she won't actually make any advances preskip because that's weird.
    • She genuinely respects him for his wisdom and strength.
  • Rhea
    • "She's so young and pretty for an Archbishop."
    • Thyra might not be the most devout person in Faerghus, but she's still fairly religious.
    • As such, being in Rhea's presence is a humbling experience, and she's likely to stumble over her words.
    • She will also maybe probably bring her gifts just for the hell of it.
  • Count Kolbrun Mateus
    • “Father is a good man with a heart of gold and a fist of iron. He sticks to his principles, but he knows what mercy is. I hope to rule as well as he, but I’m afraid he’ll pass before I am truly ready. Plus, I have… some concerns. Perhaps I’ll tell you about them some other day, over tea?”
    • She is grateful to the Mateuses for everything they have provided for her. It is highly unlikely she would ever go against their wishes - but it is just as unlikely that they will explicitly express any such wishes.
  • Lady Jorunn Mateus
    • “Mother is a frail and soft-spoken woman these days. In my youth, I remember her being radiant and wise. She is but a ghost of who she once was. But still, I am glad to know her.”
    • She is grateful to the Mateuses for everything they have provided for her. It is highly unlikely she would ever go against their wishes - but it is just as unlikely that they will explicitly express any such wishes.
  • Lord Parish Mateus
    • “Uncle is a scoundrel, to say the least. All he does is empty his purse at the brothel and beg Father for more. At least get things for free when you can.. Yet he is next in line for the title of Count - after me, of course. For this reason, I know I must shoulder my duty properly. Although… I heard he used to be honest, until his betrothed took her own life. But the past is the past.”
    • As she has gotten older, she has become increasingly curious about what happened to him. She hopes she'll hear more about it from him sometime, seeing as her parents are particularly tight-lipped about the whole thing.