Basic Info








Deer Dog


Dev is hyper, he just can't seem to sit still, often getting into things and causing trouble. He's quite impish, being highly mischievous he enjoys pulling pranks and telling jokes; he's pretty much the class clown of the pound. He enjoys making others laugh, including himself. But not everyone finds the same thing funny, sometimes, he gets into heaps of trouble because he offended someone, a joke was not funny to someone who felt it represented them, or when he pulls an inappropriate prank. When others look at him they tend to see something demonic, perhaps it's his scarlet red eyes or the antlers, he certainly doesn't know why they find him scary. But despite his seemingly tough and maybe even evil exterior, he's really just a pup who wants to be loved. He can be childish and immature, but when things get tough, he can be very serious. He's strong-willed and a little headstrong, when he gets an idea in his head and wants to go through with it, there's no talking him out of it. He's trying to become less troublesome in the hopes of being adopted.