Mr. Hyde



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


"Death is the best medicine."

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Mr. Hyde is a full-on criminal mastermind who is decribed as the devil. He has no remorse for the crimes he commits and refuses to apologize for his actions. His actions cause harm to Dr. Jekyll, his other form. Dr. Jekyll was the original host until he tested a potion in hope to seperate thw two, in which ended up switching the host to Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll begs Mr. Hyde to take the potion to become the host again, but Hyde refuses to give him his power back. Dr. Jekyll now suffers from watching Mr. Hyde taking over and doing as he pleases. Even though Mr. Hyde is smaller and younger than Jekyll, he is more sinister and evil. He will not feel regret or sorrow for those he wronged, but will feel relief and happy for his crimes. Dr. Hyde hopes to rid Dr. Jekyll for once and for all, leaving him his own body and power. Dr. Hyde is an intelligent being and harnesses the information Dr. Jekyll possesses, allowing him to conduct experiments to try to find the right solution.


  • Gore
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Watching Others Suffer


  • Dr. Jekyll
  • Sharing His Body
  • Good Things
  • Forgiving Others


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Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

name [relationship]

Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

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Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

mood board



name Edward Hyde
gender Male
age 26
species Fox
sexuality Pansexual
occupation Scientist
height 5'9"
status Single
value My Soul