


3 years, 8 months ago


🔥Basic Information🔥

➸Name: Canine/K9 formerly Falcon'flare

➸Age in Moons: 39 Moons

➸Gender: Tom

➸Sexuality: Bisexual

➸Breed: Moggy

➸Role: Loner

➸Battle type: He usually goes for severe spots first (throat, belly, eyes), but if that doesn't work. He straight up lunges at them, using all his weight against his opponent. Using his teeth and claws to rip anything apart like a dog, though he doesn't try to put himself at risk. Canine will jump back from time to time. He's usually not the one starting the fights, he hates them, seeing them as a waste of time. He got his nickname from his fighting style.


➸Body Type: A large, long-legged moggy.

➸Fur Length: Medium

➸Fur Texture: Silky

➸Fur Colour: Blackish brown, cream, white, and brown.

➸Eye Colour: Deep Amber

➸Scent: Pine tree

➸Description: A large, long-legged, warm-brown colored tom with a white underbelly, and deep amber eyes.

Falcon'flare was born in Thunderclan, being the second litter of Fawn'ripple and Recluse'web. His older sister, 17 moons at the time, was Ivory'crest. Falcon'kit looked up to his sister, wanting to be like her when he's a warrior. Sadly, both of his parents fought almost daily, Ivory always being the one to pull him out of the stressing situation, she was strong emotionally and physically. Falcon admired her for that. His mother was beautiful, being gentle and protecting, teaching Falcon about Starclan and telling stories about her warrior life. His father was always so distant, not being there to help or teach Falcon anything. It was like he never existed in Falcon's life. Moons passed by, and soon enough, Falcon'paw was almost as tall than Ivory, they helped each other when they needed it. Fawn'ripple returned to her warrior duties.

Recluse and Fawn never got along after they had Ivory. Recluse had a rough life and Fawn decided to give him a chance, hoping that she could soften him up, to see the good in things. Recluse wanted a tough kit that'll live up to his expectations, to follow his orders, follow his plans for the clan. Fawn, wanted their kit to be however they are and to believe in Starclan. Though, when Recluse saw Ivory and Falcon, he rejected them. Just because they looked more like Fawn, he'd come by now and then just to guilt-trip and shout at her. Saying how his kits were failures, weak, etc. Fawn had to defend her kits, usually saying the opposite. Soon enough, Recluse was separated from Fawn, Ivory and Falcon by the leader.

Moons passed, Falcon came back after a hunting patrol, only to see a group of cats crowding the warrior's den. Panicked gasps, hisses and shouting came from the group. Falcon padded into the group to see both his mother and older sister on the ground. His father towering over their limp bodies, Falcon'flare in an engulfed rage, charged at his father, taking his life brutally, meanwhile, his clanmates tried to stop him. Other cats yanked at his pelt to get off his father, but sadly. Recluse'web died from blood loss from Falcon's attack. Punishments were made, and Falcon carried his duties quietly until he left the clans.

Canine has trust issues, normally because of his past. He's usually very introverted and reluctant, usually being calm when he's alone. Canine will be sort of protective when he would make a friend, almost looking after them 24/7. He's sort of clingy in a way, but he knows that he is. Canine's fears only overwhelm him to the point where he needs to keep reminding himself that he's acting this way. Though he usually deals with his own problems in secret, usually holding himself back when he cares so deeply about someone to not let go. Even if it's a friend.
➸Personality in one word: Introvert
➸Likes: Calming sounds (Rain, the river, gentle breeze, etc.), being alone
➸Dislikes: Fighting, losing someone,
➸Favorite prey: Mouse
➸Disliked prey: Frog

➸Parents/Sibling: Ivory'crest, Daisy'ripple, and Recluse'web. (All deceased)
➸Mate: N/A
➸Crush: N/A

➸Theme song(s):

@ his backstory, the end is when he attacks his father. If it comes to it, I might make this a pmv.

His thoughts also