delilah's Comments

if you ever consider offers please let me know!

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ahh sorry i never saw this notif D: idk if id accept art only since shes worth a lot more than vinz!

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nope! ill also look at trades :>

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i liked but i wouldnt trade delilah for just them alone! :< if youre interested i can sell delilah for $25 or id accept money added with tbn

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If you ever looked at trades for her does anyone in my th interest you besides sonas and the two pending characters?

i didnt see anyone i liked :[ id sell her for $25 though if that interests you!

Could you notify me if you decide to sell them? Don't want to be pushy, I just used to own them and kind of miss them <3

okay!! ill let you know ^-^ <3

hey! would you still be interested in buying? ^w^

Ahh I'm sorry, I'm leaving the fandom so I'm not gonna be buying anymore characters ;;; good luck selling them!!!

no worries <3

do you think youd take characters / art or just money? qvq

I’ll consider characters, but I primarily need money! Dm me on twitter MugsTheAlien!

im actually not able to offer money qvq the only currency i could really do is deviant art points.

and i don’t have a Twitter ;o; are there any characters on my toyhouse that interest you? ( we could talk on discord if you have that? )

I have discord and telegram!! 

 Discord is Moss#6389

Telegram is Mugsthealien