


7 years, 7 months ago


Oki is a young Inuit boy, who is in the possession of some very peculiar features, and even more peculiar abilities. As a young child, he was immediately distinguished from his peers by his very profound, light blue hair and eyes. He quickly became a talking point of his village, and over time, his popularity did not dwindle. Legends spread, as his family became more and more ostracized, for harboring such a mysterious, and arguably unnatural child.

Much to his parents dismay, as Oki developed physically, his peculiarities further solidified. Soon, he had sprouted two bear-like ears, and the strange markings at the bottom of his irises - - originally thought to be mere developmental oddities - - had come into focus, to become clearly defined snowflake patterns. Most alarmingly, the nails of his fingers began growing at a supernatural rate, resulting thick, animal-esque claws. Additionally, Oki began to display strange behavioral tendencies, resonating more closely with those of a large predatory mammal, than a young Inuit child.

Oki's family attempted to hide these emergencies in a desperate attempt to salvage the little remaining normalcy surrounding their reputation, but this attempt was very ill fated . By now, the villagers had grown from lightly suspicious to openly hostile towards Oki and his family. Beginning from his birth, a long series of unfortunately timed tragedies had coincided with Oki's development. From long infertile seasons, to freak accidents, to natural disasters, Oki's village had become increasingly on-edge. As tensions grew, and people desperately searched for answers, imaginations ran wild and legends consolidated into truth.

It wasn't long, before these hostilities became organized. As the villages tragedies continued, hostilities towards Oki escalated, from first minor thefts and vandalism to his home, to violent outbursts towards his family members.

Oki's parents, realizing their safety was coming seriously threatened, began planning a secret exodus to the nearest civilization, a small village fifty miles away. Tensions continued to rise, until a violent banishment was imminent. Tragically, Oki's grandmother fell extremely ill the moment before the family was set to leave. With a mob of angry villagers approaching their home, Oki's parents had to make the excruciating decision to send Oki off on his own, so they could stay and care for his grandmother . With only basic supplies, primitive survival skills, and unlimited potential, young Oki set off towards a new civilization - - in which he may hopefully, finally gain acceptance.


Thanks to


for the background story.