

3 years, 8 months ago


Cooperatively Learning Artificial Intelligence Robot for K-4 Students,, Model (or just Clickbait) is an experimental fusion of performance animatronics and human androids created by a team of backyard scientists in Idaho. It was intended to be a tool to a) aid neurodivergent children in learning and b) explore how a conscious neural network would benefit from a constant stream of input in an environment like a classroom. However, the project didn't receive enough funding from schools, and all 8 models were discarded in a river. Model 8 was the only model that still had power in its battery bank when its time came, and so instead of simply rotting in the woods, it began to wander around - tripping, knocking headfirst into things, and eventually losing its head, skin and a majority of its wiring. 

It was eventually found by a group of teens that frequented the woods. Fascinated, they repaired and charged it - through a QR code on their arm, they located a website made for the CLAIK4 robots and aptly nicknamed them Clickbait after inferring that they were the eighth model.

Clickbait is now a sort of warden of their neighbourhood, less a cryptid and more what cosmo&wanda are to that little green bitch. Their net developed and they have the approx. vocabulary (and reasoning skills etc) of a 30 yr old! (though that will keep progressing)