Maverick Wiley



7 years, 3 months ago


Basic Info  

Name: Maverick "Rook" Wiley

Nicknames: Rook, Rookie, Mavvy, Nugget

Age: 16 17

Birthday: July 1st, 2000

Zodiac Sign: Cancer 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, heteroromantic 

Species: Samurott

Nature: Modest

Summary Characteristic: Likes to fight

Height: 5'8" (Weapon is the same)

Weight: 158 lbs

Personal Life  

Personality: If one were to try to describe Maverick as briefly as possible, one of the first words to come to mind would probably be "modest". He's very humble, to the point of being down on himself at times. Despite this, he generally tries to keep the mood of a conversation lighthearted, as he feels like others don't really want to hear about his issues. This can lead to him not being honest about his emotions and letting them build up. He likes to be nice to others. He's very gentle and doesn't like hurting people. In his words, "being mean just feels really bad." Sometimes this can lead to him getting walked on, but he's been working on standing up for himself more. He's also good at fitting into friend groups that he feels comfortable in, as he's a good listener and tends to avoid starting drama. He's also a bit of a daydreamer. Sometimes he'll space out for a while and just think about whatever comes to mind. He finds this very good for de-stressing.

Maverick is also kind of a mess at times. He has trouble making decisions and sticking with them, which can lead to him regretting a choice that he can't go back on. He's a chronic overthinker, often worrying a lot over a disproportionately small issue. These traits don't play well with each other. Sometimes he'll get worked up over deciding something little and have to step away for a while so he can cool down and look at it through fresh eyes. He'll also turn over events in his mind a lot after they've happened, so something that appears to not bother him on the service might eat away at him for days or weeks. He's tried writing down his thoughts to help let them escape instead of festering, but he still finds that talking it out works best. 

+ Positive +

Gentle, good listener, modest, amiable, fits into friend groups easily

= Neutral = 

A bit of a daydreamer, reserved, casual, emotional when he finally lets it out, non-competitive

- Negative -

Wishy-washy, self-deprecating at times, anxious, bottles up emotions, cautious


( = likes,  = really likes,  = loves) 

 Running errands







( = dislikes,  = strongly dislikes;  = hates)

 Being tickled (he's really ticklish)


 Hot weather

 Really loud screamo

 When he gets indecisive


( = frightened by,  = scared of,  = terrified of)

 Extreme heights


 Body horror

Backstory: Maverick was born and raised on the California coast. His family changed houses a few times, but they always made sure to stay near the sea. He's consistently lived in pretty small towns and cities. This meant that he and his older brother got used to going places and handling things on their own pretty quickly. Maverick used to walk to the grocery store and run other errands for his family by himself, so he's since developed a liking for it. His first home was a large house in Sausalito, but his family didn't need a house that big, so to save money, they moved into a smaller abode in Avalon on Catalina Island. They stayed there for a while, but Maverick's parents wanted a less isolated lifestyle for him. So, they moved one more time, this time to Pacifica. By the time of that move, his older brother had moved back to Sausalito.  

Maverick discovered that he was a weapon a bit by surprise. He was at a friend's house in the country for a birthday party, and said friend had a fancy house with a private pond and diving board. He was already a Samurott by this time; his parents encouraged him to act on his natural talent for fighting, so he evolved early to be as effective as possible. Anyways, when he dove off the diving board, he turned into a halberd in midair and pierced the muddy bottom of the pond. It took a little while for his friends to get him out, but when they did, he was in a state of excited disbelief.

Once he discovered that he was a weapon, he was excited to join the PDWMA. He had heard about it at school in Pacifica. A few kids figured out that they were weapons or meisters and didn't hesitate to tell the whole school. His parents told him to not let it get to his head too much; they'd always been fond of modesty. They also made sure that he was certain about his decision to join. When it was clear that Maverick was dead set on joining the Academy, his parents were pleased. They told him to remember all of the lessons they'd taught him. He still does to this day; after all, it was his parents who taught him to be modest and encouraged him to develop his leadership skills.

Other Info  

Partner: Lola V. Dinkley



  Hydro Pump 

  Ice Beam  

  Razor Shell


He enjoys music, but he isn't very confident in his singing voice, so he usually just hums along.

  He doesn't always agree with the message of the music he listens to, but he likes it anyways. Take Sublime and Adam Jensen for example.

  Also, he listens to Lily Allen. It's his guilty pleasure.

He still has hoodies from when he first evolved and wasn't used to his seamitars, so they have holes in the sleeves. He can't very well consign them, so they're just kind of in a pile in the corner of his closet.

His favorite colors consist of various shades of blue, gray, and purple.

Some of his close friends call him Rook because he once slipped up and said "Maverook" instead of his name. The name stuck, and he's kept it close to him.

There are a few telltale signs that give away what emotions he's hiding. If he's holding back tears, he tends to tilt his head back for a moment and take a deep but quiet breath.

His favorite Cards Against Humanity card is "Bees?"

Can't choose a mean dialogue option in a game without reloading a save