Frankie Vilegrave



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Frankie Vilegrave

Gender:  Intersex (She/Her)

Age:  16

Sexuality: Lesbian

Nationality: American 

Birthplace: California

Personality: Frankie Loves fashion, Video games, and Reality tv. She can be quite extra, if you even say anything rude to her friends she'll start shit up. She's not a fan of casting magic unless someone starts shit with one of her fans, then she'll magic the fuck out of them. Frankie wants to make her dad proud but also understands that he'll love her no matter how much or how little she succeeds. Because of that she tends to be a little too laid back. Frankie is hot headed and can get angry faster then others. 

Pathfinder Class: Magus 

Biography: Frankie's Mother never wanted any part of Frankie's life. And Frankie dosent want her to have any part in her life either. Lucky for Frankie her dad was more then happy to have Frankie in his life. Frankie used to go to a private Necromancy school, but  begged her Dad to let her go to a public school. After being sick of growing up in a Necromancy school with a Father who is most powerful necromancer in history. WHOS ALSO IMMORTAL. Frankie was sick of the popularity and the pressure; going to a random public school that isnt Soaked in necromancy culture Was just better for Frankie. Now at 16 Frankie is has a girlfriend and a smallish friend group. Frankie is Slacking on training in magic and necromancy but shes happy. 

View on being Immortal: Bro Im 16???? I dont know or care right now, im a kid.

Trivia/Fun Facts: