Goomi O'Mara | 52.9



3 years, 10 months ago


| Goomi O'Mara | 52.9|
| 23 | Pan | Varying Height |
| Indestructible Reporter | Adorable Slime | Mischief Maker | Amnesiac |
Power: Slime Body 


 -O’Mara seems to be made entirely of a thick, opalescent, and ever so slightly transparent purple slime! She can manipulate this slime in her body to change her form as she wishes. She isn’t too offensive, but she’s got the amazing defensive power of being able to squeeze into spaces others might not be able too, deforming to avoid hits, not being too easy to grab, and being a damage sponge!
- A walking punching bag! The most offensive she can do is making surfaces super slick and drowning people in goo.
- Perks of body molding? She could get the top half of her head knocked clean off and her motor mouth could keep going as she reforms.
- She has to keep a mostly humanoid form. It’s. Too stupidly hard to try and make anything other than her standard Human form and Glob form, which is formless slime on the ground with a face.

To ask a slime about how they view the world.
She’s rather in it for herself, covering a nihilistic view by stuffing her face in any and anything that is 1) fun and 2) absolutely NONE of her business. Life’s a bit wack and this place sucks but DAMN if it doesn’t provide the best sorta entertainment. Reckless, attention-seeking, and energetic as all heck, she makes for great radio talent working for Asphalt Entertainment. Don’t tell her anything you don’t wanna hear on the radio, she’s gossipy!

- Her clothes are dense slime. There’s no need to. Wear clothes when you're just slime, it doesn’t work well and is hell to clean. She still styles it up every morning, though, can’t let people be thinking she’s boring.
- Ever so slightly depressed. Deflects this view of herself by being extra as hell to distract herself.
- She doesn’t like being alone and will gossip your ear off if you let her.
- Surprisingly a very good listener with a damn horrible memory. Tell her something once and she’ll be able to hold it against you for a while, she’s got her burn book to remember!
- Sometimes she will just stick objects inside of herself if things need to be kept safe. Phone? Stuff it in her arm. Gun? Stuff it in your torso. No pockets needed!
- She likes to collect small trinkets from around town. Broken toys, old snow globes, abandoned wedding rings, teeth, she’s. Got quite the collection.
- She is slimy!