(Not named yet)'s Comments

this is a really interesting concept :0 

what are you looking for them?

USD, art, or oc’s but I am picky. :)

ohh alright ^^ (sorry for my late reply btw)

i dont have many Oc's i can/want to offer so-

i could do one or two icon drawings or a custom maybe,,

No worries, I don’t really want a custom since I have so many AWESOME oc’s, I’m not exactly looking to get more at this time 😅, & I don’t really want just icons of my oc’s, however, I’d be willing to do a fullbody & an icon or two half bodies for the owl lad if your interested? :)👍✨

sorry, i don't have much time to draw at the moment, otherwise i would have offered more.. maybe another time? i can come back to this once i have more time and motivation if that would be alright for you? ^^"

No worries, & yeah, I’m totally ok with this. :)👍✨