


3 years, 9 months ago


σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
 Name  Glitch\Void
 Age  163 y.o.
 Gender  Male
 Pronouns  He/Him
 Bday  January 19th
 Voice  info  
 Theme  info  

 Species  Demon
 Height  6'2"
 Sexuality  Pansexual
 Job  'Doctor', Deputy
 Trait  Loner
 R.status  Single
 L.status  Alive

 ABOUT  Glitch has been working as the deputy king of hell since he was 85. She doesn't satisfy him very much, but more depressing. But work is work, moreover, profitable, and it gives him the opportunity to learn all the secrets of this and other countries, if he becomes friends with Lucifer himself. In his spare time, he ran away and escapes to the land of people, where, illegally, in the form of a person, he worked as a "doctor", helping the fugitives lose their magic, and killed those who had just arrived. As the demon believed, he did this for the good of not letting people create an ideal creature by doing experiments on others. He could not say about this, since the extermination of people could not have been avoided then.
 "... Thank you ..."
 Personality  Glitch is in itself a closed demon who is not very disposed to talk irrelevantly. He will forever remain silent if stupid and inappropriate questions are asked to him. Only occasionally can you see him talking to someone, and this happens only with those who are important to him or arouse his respect, for example: Lucifer and the Mystic. The demon is calm enough, so much so that it is unrealistic to make him mad. And if you get angry, you will instantly get harsh words in the face. Most often he spends his free time outdoors, as he gets tired of his position. A sedentary lifestyle is not for him. Has a negative attitude towards alcohol and smoking. Yes, he can use them, but in too small quantities, and then only for the image. He believes that he is not ready for a relationship, since his first times were not so successful, especially with demons.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Spending time outside.
  • When someone doesn't bother him.
  • All your children
  • Rice
  • When someone bothers him
  • Harassment

  • Previously, he was a human, but after participating in the tournament he became a demon.
  • Knows how to rumble and push. Squeamish even to the pile, though not for everyone.
  • There is a mouth on the chest with a lot of sharp teeth.
  • Touch sensitive wings.
Mystyc Gould  old friend
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet.