
7 years, 4 months ago


Name: Rune
Age: 82?
Orientation: Gay?
Species: 1/2 Vampire/Human
Height: 6'
Weight: 140lbs
Likes: Feeding, Sunlight, Warmth, Pain, Music/singing and Painting.
Dislikes: Small/enclosed areas, being alone, peas.
Fears: Being trapped, being abandoned. 

Personality: Somewhat naive, Rune has a difficult time understanding body language and other social cues, so he often has problems knowing if he's sending the right signals.While he doesn't pick up on social ques, he is clever and picks up on context clues, normally learning words he doesn't understand from the context the word is put into. He is self sacrificing and more likely to defend others than himself, he has no fear of death and will show little to no reaction in the face of a danger.

he can become a bit excitable once he warms up to someone. He has a relaxing energy. A very curious sort. He can honestly become very easily attatched to people at times.


He spent the last 80 years or so locked away in the basement of a mansion where his only company was the bones of his parents and the rats and other odd creatures that managed to slip through the holes, cracks and crevices of his confines. His life was spent pacing the room, humming to himself as he pets his hair, pounding on the walls and door, and hunting what little came into his prison. His survival was dependent on self feeding and the blood and meat of the creatures he was able to catch. 

He spent the majority of his life alone and trapped.
when was small his mother liked to pet his head or run her fingers through his hair while she hummed or sang to him
He learned a little bit about the violin when he was around 4/5 until they had to use it for firewood


Kind scarlet red eyes, soft porcelain white skin,  he's a stunning creature who's gaze has an almost mezmerising affect on some people.