cheeto's Comments

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Omg I love him Ò>Ó

So I have a story, the demon mother (Lilith) has thousands of children and after millions of years is trying to right her wrongs- I want this fella, who imma name leonidas, to be like her "pet", but also a friend she relies on, and he also used to be one of the guardians of the circles of hell-

OMFG HE'S SO GORGEOUS AJDHAJSJ I've been looking for a character in this style for a long time, I love griffins so much ansndjjddj

So, I'm making a story with a few griffins (even my icon is one of them, which is also my DA's mascot)I want to make him a kind of guardian and superior to others, kind of a God for them or someone very powerful, I would call him Eren 👉👈 Maybe I won't win because I don't have anything very developed yet but HE IS PERFECT TOO AAAAAAHHH and I hope that above all, he will win a good home!

Rekluse was born the hypothetical child of the sun and the earth his duty is to guard the creatures of the sands so he wanders the deserts and gives lost or injured beings protection he is 10 feet tall and although unable to speak is perfectly capable of understanding what he’s told many have tried to capture him because only a few of his kin exist but non will succeed 

I would love this baby qwq here’s a little idea for a background 

Also the name would prob be...Issac 

He was a normal dude trying to get a job as a scientist when he got his job he worked for a man that was trying to create monsters to ‘help’ the world so everyone thought it was good but really the guy wanted to get revenge because his daughter who was also a scientist passed away during an experiment that his daughters boss set up- during this monster creating Issac caught his boss and figured out his plans when he found out he threatened to tell the cops and all that but his boss took charge and locked him into a glass box which soon ruined him into this beautiful creature (the character lol) his boss thought that when he was turned he would have any thoughts and would be in control but he knew what happened and tries to get his boss for what he did to him..idk if this is good but this is what I would imagine what happened OH and he soon learns that he can control when to turn into this beauty so he can be human one minute then the next he turns into the beast qwq

Enjoy him!